I started Xtandi 2 months ago and got PSA undetectable. <.001. Now, my doctor suggest me to reduce from 4 tablets per say to 3 tablets per day. A month ago, I say "no", reasoning that reduction of the amount may create an early resistance to Xtandi. But he is persistent. He said no necessarily. Reasons are:
1. Cancer cell will evolve anyway to overcome Xtandi in many cases in respect to the dose.
2. 4 tablets may have overwhelming side effect, and the current 4 tablets looks to him is overdose. 3. The intermittent application of Xtandi may prolong the Xtandi. for example, I can use it for 4-10 years as opposed to 2 years, assuming that it will not create "resistance".
He asks me to make a decision on 4 tablet vs. 3 tablets. Why do I have to make a decision? I am a lay person... I don't know what to do. I talk to my sister, who is a pharmacist. She said in most cases of antibiotics, if you increase and decrease frequently, it will create a "resistance", but she said she has no idea whatsoever in case of "hormone therapy".
Is there any Xtandi user here who is intermittently using them? The doctor also mentioned that I have to go through with "vacation" from time to time.... which means "no Xtandi" for a couple of months from time to time. I am literally scared. I need your advice and help..... Thanks.