Dedicated to those Men who were taken by dreaded PCa 🙏
For the First Time a spouse has seen the Ventura Memorial Tile in person and she got to see and touch Kevin's name💙.
Alison was in town and unfortunately, I had to add another name to the Memorial 😢
So, I combined both into one trip. So sad to read those names again with so many from our HU forum.
We stopped by Leticia's booth, she made those Blue Bracelets last year, and I introduced her to Alison.
Can't go to Ventura without a seafood/beer feast and a couple of Goodwill stops. Ali scored some great deals and I got a couple of flowered shirts to wear at work.
For all those who lost men
Rest in Peace Gentlemen
Much Aloha and Love to y'all
Fight/Love/Laugh on