It is lovely still to be able to paint, and this is my second painting of this subject (I haven't shown the first). I love experimenting (it's the scientist in me) and am under the guidance of two art therapists, both of whom seem interested at the range of techniques I have used and developed. Both makes notes about my techniques and tell me that they are going to try using them themselves. I can think of no stronger complement.
This A4 mixed media picture is of the second cairn en route to the summit of Snowdon, North Wales. The mountain/hill/hillock -- whichever it is will depend on the country where you live -- is the lump in the background. I am pleased with the sky, for which I used watercolour and antipasto to get a 3D effect. The cairn itself uses gesso, watercolour and sand. I started it during one session with an art therapist, showing her my experimentation with the sky, and completed it in private.