When I saw my radio-oncologist a few days ago and asked what is the risk for my lungs if we use radiation against the metastasis in my right shoulder blade. He said that there is a risk that it could cause fibrosis but that it does not impact breathing and that I should not worry.
Today I decided to do a little research and what I see is not as benign as he has made it sound.
"Pulmonary fibrosis is a lung disease that occurs when lung tissue becomes damaged and scarred. This thickened, stiff tissue makes it harder for the lungs to work properly. Pulmonary fibrosis worsens over time. Some people can stay stable for a long time, but the condition gets worse faster in others. As it gets worse, people become more and more short of breath."
In my eyes, having breathing problems feels like one of the worse way to go, kind of like drowning all the time, and I am no longer certain that I wish to have radiation to my shoulder blade anymore.
Has anyone here been treated for metastasis to the shoulder blade or to some other area that is behind the lungs? Are there other methods to deal with the met other than radiation? Surgery? Just ADT?
Could they do radiation from the top down so that the radiation does not go through the lung?