2 years since prostatectomy. Psa still non detectable. Will get it checked again in 6 months or 1 year depending on urologist suggestion. I feel blessed since standard protocol was radiation to the pelvic area had 6 Month Lupron shot since they found positive pc in limp nodes and tissue extracted. I decided to forgo radiation since PSA remains non detectable. Maybe just lucky but I felt no need for radiation on less there was a positive pc result. Good luck everyone
radiation treatment delayed - Advanced Prostate...
radiation treatment delayed

Read my story don’t wait to long
Read my story. I am in the same boat but three years out. I would have had salvage radiation but also having ulcerative colitis, albeit in remission for years, would have likely resulted in a colostomy bag. According to three RO’s. Good luck.
I never radiated talked out if by systemic c therapy obsessed MO, now I have liver metastatis from tumour on prostate bed, smuck mo
it is a constant concern of mine. It’s a very hard choice. I would have preferred to get radiation to the prostate, but the multidisciplinary boards at NIH, MD Anderson, and John’s Hopkins advise not to. As a matter fact, the radiologist at John Hopkins told me that he wouldn’t do radiation on me unless they forced him to. I suppose the thinking is that if they closely monitor, every three months, my PSA rising will be spotted before the cancer moves from the prostate bed.