...a nice video, with some interesting overview also about drugs repurposing
Recurrence vs de novo metastatic seem... - Advanced Prostate...
Recurrence vs de novo metastatic seem to be better than disease volume to decide the therapy for mHSPCa: dr Fizazi discusses trials

Karim Fizzazi wrote me 4 years ago Radiotherapy was unnecessary because I had more than 5 metastases. I did radiotherapy anyway because “God does not play dices” famous Einstein sentence about Quantum Theory. Life is too complex for a number to segment it. I am glad to hear we did the right thing.
There is another aspect in this low and high volume classification. Actual ending clinical trials have classified burdens with X scanner and not PetScan. Obviously you see more metastases with PetScan. So I believe your volume classification must be taken from X Scanner because trials are based on Scanners (this is usually explained at the beginning of the trial results)
So, if I'm understanding this correctly, the new thinking is that having radiation to prostate would have been helpful for my husband's de novo, high-volume mHSPC? He did triplet therapy and is currently continuing ADT and abiraterone. He is not yet castrate resistant (dx October 2022).
Thank you. I enjoyed the video.