Did anyone have trouble getting good imagery in CT simulation or have advice? Went on a low residue diet to prepare for CT simulation. Both times too much gas for imaging despite cutting out so much fiber and plants from diet. I read that about a practice in Austin, TX suggesting Gas-X (simethicone) 4x daily, Would like to get great imagery the next attempt and know how to be ready for 28 sessions of radiation. Thank you.
Gas in CT Simulation: Did anyone have... - Advanced Prostate...
Gas in CT Simulation

I’ve had gas often during radio therapy. Only thing that helped me was Mikrolax.
I used gas x to before CT practice scan. I also had to fast 12 hours before. Enema the morning of scan. It happens. I had 44 IMRT treatments. They refused me for 3 of them because of gas. It was a 60 mile round trip for me. I was not happy with 3 extra trips. Appointment was 11am, I didn't eat or drink anything but water beforehand.
Thank you for sharing
Your welcome! Your going to breeze right through it! Good luck!
Our cases are very similar. Gleason 9 no Mets. No LNs. They did full pelvis RT on me for prevention. PSA test 3 months after completion..01
.01….what great news! What is your ADT plan? Have started Eligard and may add abiaterone after radiation therapy if heart seems ok.
I started with a PSA at 106. I have been on lupron 18 months. I have not taken abiaterone even though my MO wants me on it. I had a heart attack 5 years before this. Triple bypass. RT was not that bad, I was just a little tired near the end. Lupron wore on me more than anything, that's why I didn't want to start abiaterone. Still deciding on it.
I recently went through radiation treatments and found that skipping lunch was useful to manage gas and bladder conditions. All my appointments were in the afternoon.
What do you mean gas? Everything now is running on electric.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I was told to take Gas-X or the generic simethicone before my IMRT sessions. It helped, but wasn't perfect. I never had to postpone a session, but some were extended. I considered skipping lunch since my appointments were for early afternoon, but I was afraid my stomach would be growling then and that would likewise cause problems for the CyberKnife external beam radiation machine. 🦊
the instructions my husband was given for his IMRT sessions was to take 2 extra strength gas x tablets 2 hours before bed and 2 tablets before each radiation session. He found that eating a small low residue meal 3 hours before the treatment and chewing the 2 gas x tablets about 1-1.5 hours before the treatment worked perfectly. Try to stay away from any kind of sugary food, cheese, soda or bread that would cause gas.