My husband has been in the hospital with me by his side since Sunday. He’s receiving his radiation treatment to his meninges everyday here and when he is discharged they wanted him to go into a rehab place for a few weeks but no one will take him because of his Pluvicto treatment coming up on Tuesday. His blood work is: Platelets down to 33, Hemoglobin 7.5, Hematocrit 22.1, red blood cell 2.38, RDW 17.2, and white blood cell 6.1 I’m hoping I will be able to manage taking him from home to his Pluvicto treatment Tuesday and to the cancer center for the remaining 4 radiation treatments next week. (Insurance won’t cover Pluvicto if you do it inpatient so they need to discharge him the day before and I’ll drive him back to the hospital the next day). He’s so weak, I know I’ll have a tough time getting him back and forth.
Wondering if he’s strong enough to do both radiation and Pluvicto at the same time?? Anyone else deal with this?