My second post. Just got my PSMA results back. 48 years old. PSA is 100. 12 Biopsies all show cancer. Mostly 4+3's two of them 4+4's.What do you think ? My appointment with MO is not till Wednesday. What do think he will offer as treatment method ? I'm just worried and concerned.
How bad are these PSMA Pet Scan Resul... - Advanced Prostate...
How bad are these PSMA Pet Scan Results?

It may still be curable with whole pelvic radiation and intensive hormone therapy.
You can do the ADT (3 yr)+abi (2 yr) route, or consider this clinical trial:
nonspecific means we are not sure at all and could easily be something else. Even increased uptake might be something else. Doesn’t say SUV number or that it is avid. . Node sizes might be relevant. No definite distant metastatic is a good finding. Take that as the final finding. Get with that IMRT to prostate and nodes asap.
I would also ask for a Decipher to be done on the biopsy

Yes thanks for the reply. I need to get something scheduled asap.
Well your posting in the advanced forum. From my perspective it doesn't look too bad. They didn't have PSMA scans when I was diagnosed so its hard to compare. Sounds like this is the beginning for you. Don't worry you will gain perspective as you go. If your lucky, I very much hope you are, you will be cured. Good luck.
When I was diagnosed at a relatively young age (54), I decided at each step in my journey I would try to minimize the possibility of looking back and thinking "I wish I would have______". Eighteen years later, I'm glad I used that strategy.
Received almost identical PSMA Pet results almost a year ago indicating regional lymph node spread (which is potentially curable as TA and my RO both noted). As TA noted, you'll likely be on hormone therapy soon (Iget a Lupron shot every 4 months and take Aberaterol and 10mg of Prednisone daily), followed by radiation therapy (mine was 8 weeks and they won't schedule it until the hormone therapy has time to weaken the cancer). You'll hear about lots of other treatment options.. but this is your most likely journey based on the dx. I'd skip the worry/anxious thoughts and go have lots of memorable sex. Based on the mortality statistics for our regional spread and advances in medical options... we're likely to be around for a long time. But this journey is also going to leave only memories of the great sex for at least the next few years. Best of luck in navigating this years adventures... happy to answer any questions (from someone one year ahead of you). Cheers@
Thank you for the information. How long were you on hormone therapy before Radiation. Which Radiation type did you have?
I would take exception to Captian Crunch, Sex in my opinion depends on your mindset. when Dx with Gleason 9 and stage IV we decided to keep having sex 3x per week and 28 months later we are still having great sex, no ejaculations but plenty of orgasms.
Start a weight lifting program ( essential)and get plenty of exercise, these two items will counteract many of the side effects from ADT and radiation. See my profile for more details.
Rather aggressive numbers. My prognosis was 1 year if I did no treatment at all qand if I did all of the recommended therapy perhaps a 10 year span, but I had Gleason 4+3=7 and the tumor covered the entire prostate but no detectable metastesis. However, since the organ is covered, the chance of transfer on a molecular level to adjacent tissue is likely. I did 5-1/2 weeks of external beam radiation and HDR surgery/radiation treatment. Also 2-1/2 - 3 years of hormone suppression with daily Zytiga/Prednisone protocol and quarterly injections.
Unfortunately, I have not heard of any real testing other than PSA or CAT/Pet scans to detect progress/improvement so I just have to wait it out, keep watching the numbers and stayiung aware of any new treatments that might buy more time.
I was diagnosed last April at 45 years old. Just wanted to say, hi and offer my moral support. I am not a doctor, but the lack of distant metastasis is what seems like the bright spot in your report. All the rest is noise and numbers and statistics, not reality.