I love the winter. It’s my second favorite season. It rains a lot where I live during the winter months, so I do get rather tired of being housebound, but the bluebird days more than make up for it. I love the quiet of Christmas where we live, and I have been on hormones pretty much for 17 years and the last 10 have been amplified by Zytiga, so I don’t mind the Hallmark Channel. I wouldn’t say I like it as I’m pretty sure they would pull my man card. El Niño has been brutal so far this year. Usually the ski resorts open Thanksgiving weekend. So far this year I think the only ones that are open are the ones that have the ability to make their own snow.. The last couple days however, the snow has begun to fly up around Mount Adams. It won’t be long and it will be time to fill the camelback with loose juice pack a lunch and try to break something. Hopefully not a hip.
The most wonderful time of the year. - Advanced Prostate...
The most wonderful time of the year.

Ahhh.....the Hallmark Channel. As soon as the snow falls, so do the tears. She's gonna say "yes". I knew they were made for each other.........Thanks for the pic & post. It IS the most wonderful time.
Great post, great garage, great rides. Hallmark is an absolute necessity at this time of year:
It is, of course, Christmastime. And, yikes, it looks like major trouble at her parents' insert business here and she doesn't know if she wants to move to insert unlikely place for modern, super-attractive person to live here! But she's determined to help out despite feeling like a fish out of water and facing surely-insurmountable odds! Then insert rough-but-sensitive-sounding guy's name here comes into business here...with his awesome dog, of course... and she feels her hardened heart begin to soften.... sniff!... but is it all worth it, leaving her current life behind??? Of course it is!!!
If I might ask (and you care to answer!), what is the year and status of the VW?
it’s a 1970 traveler and it runs and is drivable. Like most Volkswagens it has problems with grounds but it’s a love-hate relationship. My wife loves it and I hate it.
Drivable!?? A true miracle. It is the exact vintage that my mother insisted on buying in the early 70s. She sold nearly everything we owned, packed up 3 kids, my disabled dad, her younger sister and a dog and plopped us into Southern Colorado from upstate New York. No plan, no job, and we lived in a tent for 3 months after camping across the U.S. I have some love/hate of my own for that vehicle!
we also love the summer it is definitely our favorite season. We have a 21 foot sea ray with a white tower on it and I do love taking the granddaughters out wakeboarding and occasionally, if the water is warm enough, they’ll let me drag them around the lake on a tube
lol@ try to break something
That's great News!
I looked at your medical history in your profile but didn't see your gleason score or what your initial treatment was (i.e. prostatectomy or radiation). Can you provide some additional information to help understand the bigger picture?