My PSA has increased from .13 to .73 in 3 1/2 months. Does this mean I am castrate resistant. Or does it need to increase over a couple more samples first. Can my PSA change this much for other reasons. I am currently on Lupron. Thanks for any input.
PSA increase. : My PSA has increased... - Advanced Prostate...
PSA increase.

It's gradual. No need to change therapies until PSA ≥2 or rapidly doubling.
Your PSA increased over 5 times in 3 and 1/2 months. That is it is rapidly increasing. Since you are on Lupron, your testosterone level should be at castrate level. My situation was very similar to yours my PSA jumped from 0.3 to 0.8 in 3 months. Luckily I had a PSMA PET/CT scan which found new lymph nodes PSMA avid. Oncologist have added Zytiga + Prednisone to Lupron.
thanks, I’ll put a call into my MO
Almost exactly what I am at ... Mayo added Abiraterone... now 6 week psa test is .1 Going back for scans next month. On Firmagon and Abiraterone. Was undetectible for 5 years, but recently up to .7 in 3 months.
Actually other than Tall Allen the one to ask is your Medical Oncologist
Why was abi not started right away with lupron?
Did you have your prostate removed or radiated? That .13 is pretty low for just Lupron with prostate. My all-time low was .5.
MO said we will wait and see what my PSA looks like in 3 months. I don’t know why abi was not started with Lupron, should have it been. Yes I still have my prostate and no radiation as of yet.