After 12 doses of abirateron/prednisone I developed a rather severe cough. Even though this is one of the listed side effects of abiraterone my oncologist says that she has never heard of it happening before. Has anyone here ever had this experience and, if so, was there a remedy for the cough or an alternative to the abiraterone?
Abiraterone side effect: After 12 doses... - Advanced Prostate...
Abiraterone side effect

Does claritin help?
Benzonatate is an effective prescription cough suppressant. However, I don’t know if it would be indicated in your case. Something to ask your doc about.
I had a bad cough once........ and coughed so much that my wife finally yelled out "Johnny (that's me btw) stick a rolled up sock in it"........ I knew she was kidding so I stuck it my briefs and that started my lifetime career as a Chippendale dancer.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 10/08/2023 3:00 PM DST
I took abiraterone/predni for 2 years and I developed a cough that would not go away.. it is a side effect but the alternative of not taking it is worse.. now Abi/predni has failed and my PSA is starint to rise again. It is now 5.9 from.032.. next step is lutetium after my PSMA Pt ct scan
I am most sorry to hear that. Thank you for letting me know that I may not be crazy. Best of luck moving forward.
Xtandi made me cough… turned out it was a benign hammertoma in my lung.
Claritin helped me a great deal. I had a ‘tree in bud’ , other glass opacities but I just kept taking Xtandi and it cleared up. I was also getting lupron.
Thanks again. I will ask my mo about this.
Sometimes I think you have to be patient with these Abaratirones and Xtandis. It’s like slamming the brakes on in a car it takes awhile for the car to stop. Don’t be so quick to change therapies. On the other hand I took the maximum amount of aspirin for 6 months, nothing I’d recommend. Got yelled at by my doctor at NIH. I was trying to reduce inflammation. I switched to celebrex trying to reduce inflammation. I also took zyflamend whole body. I retired to reduce stress. Now I’m 10 years out. Just passing stuff along.
Also Norman cousins recommends watching comedies , I’ve resorted to this, …just saying it beats worrying. Easy to say , I know.
I read the Cousins book almost immediately after I got the results of my biopsy, as I remembered it from reading of his theory when the book was first published. I can't say that I recommend the book, but I am an adherent of that strategy. Here in the cold weather of the NE I do little else during the winter, abandoning television and Facebook, watching several comedies and old television favorites daily. I have found that, for me, Cousins's favorites, the Marx Brothers comedies, don't really hold up very well. I'm a W.C. Fields fan myself. Thanks for all the info. (Three cheers for the Class of '65.)