Cedars-Sinai Cancer investigators have found that lowering blood cholesterol enhances the action of immune cells, slowing the growth of prostate cancer. (Clinical Cancer Research: doi.org/10.1158/1078-Q434.c.... It provides a rationale for large-scale clinical testing of using cholesterol lowering therapy to prevent prostate cancer progression.
They established that lowering cholesterol acts through the immune system and not just directly on cancer cells.
My personal experience is that by taking Repatha, a relatively new drug that lowers cholesterol dramatically --more than statins -- has increased my PSA doubling time to 18.8 months, from an initial 1 month! Never before in my 23 year history of recurring bouts of oligometastic disease have I ever seen such a remarkable improvement. Usually I just play "whack a mole" with SBRT ever couple of years and get a year or two remission. Now I'm hoping for a relative long period without any kind of treatments except diet and Repatha. My total cholesterol in now 119, my LDL is 43, triglycerides 84 and HDL 60.
Here is my recent PSA history: 0.484 on 6/26/23, 0.400 on 7/24/23, 0.541 on 8/24/23, and finally 0.483 on 9/14/23. Another relevant fact is that I went on a plant based diet starting about 6 months ago and it is know that for some people this stabilizes or even reduces PSA.