how long can you stay on Dugarelix ?
Alone in Canada: how long can you stay... - Advanced Prostate...
Alone in Canada

Hi Ramin, I'm in Canada on Firmagon. I decided to stay on Firmagon/Degarelix versus switching to Lupron/Eligard.
There has been some discussion on Degarelix recently here. I have made a number of comments and posts. If you search for either Firmagon (trade name, from Ferring) or Degarelix (generic), and spelled correctly of course 😂, on this forum you will find some good information.
The short answer to your question is "we don't know" but some people are on it for many years. The controversial question is the encouragement to move away from it merely "for convenience". There are comments on this question and also comments on side effects.
I found Firmagon had the least SE of most. The only inconvenience was the monthly shot & pain at the site of injection & a rash but it works as good as Luprin.
if you get many hot flashes at night I made a diy bed fan or you can buy a bed fan for $185
I find it cools me quicker than a std fan and is quieter
If you don't mind taking yet another drug, Gabapentin at bed time eliminated my nighttime hot flashes. Still there during the day.
not much to add in regards to your original question but another Canuck just saying Hi!
I'm on Firmagon for life. T_A told me awhile back that it will work until it doesn't.