As some of you know, I am now under the care of two excellent oncologists, including Prof. De Bono at Royal Marsden Cancer Centre. I was originally deemed to have a non-aggressive cancer (in 14 years my PSA has never exceeded 4.1) However, over the last 6 weeks (when I have been on no treatment whatsoever, other than 3 monthly injection) my psa doubled in 3 weeks (4 - 11) and doubled again in 3 weeks (11-22).
I'm baffled as to why this new aggression has started. The treatment plan agreed yesterday was to start Docetaxel on Sept 6th (I had a short holiday break booked). I stopped taking Enza when it was clear that my numbers were creeping up and the side effects were awful. However, I wonder if I should resume Enza (it was most effective at a quarter-dose) just to try to keep the rampaging PSA in check? I could take it until Sept 6th, and it may stop my panic from running away...
The other query I had was concerning my bladder. What I initially thought was a UTI (from the MRI scan I saw yesterday) now appears to be the enlarged prostate pushing against the bladder wall (no evidence of PCa in the bladder, but visible hematuria) Has anyone had experience of using anything to calm the bladder down? The oncologists say that apart from the psychological effect of seeing blood in urine, it shouldn't get any worse, but will only disappear when the chemo shrinks the tumour. Any suggestions?