currently taking Nubeqa and Orgovyx and hate the sarcopenia I'm experiencing. I asked my MO about BAT and I've had two cycles of getting a month off ADT and receiving an injection of testosterone the month off of ADT before restarting ADT. I've read some positive reviews on this site about Ostarine. I have a close friend who alternates Ostarine and Ligandrol and has regained strength and muscle after a debilitating illness, not PC. Any advise or suggestions would be appreciated.
I want to try SARM's-Yes or No? - Advanced Prostate...
I want to try SARM's-Yes or No?

If your goal is to build muscle then yes. In most cases it suppresses T as well. I have been on it for a year plus, restored all lost muscle and gained even more. It has been wonderful for me and how i feel about myself. I lift heavy to failure 5 days a week and consume tons of protein
I have locally advanced prostate cancer invasion to seminal vessicles finished treatment in 2016 but my testosterone has not recovered psa 0.03,but now I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, I have asked for trt but urologist said not a good idea because there may be some sleeping cancer cells, I am only 8st a walking skeleton, I have just started creatine to see if it will help me, any help please.
Along with Creatine add BCCA's they are aminos that help build muscle. Increase protein intake to 1.2 grams per Kg of body weight. If it were me I would be on a protein powder that is also a Mass gainer with lots of calories. I workout 5 days a week lifting heavy under supervision of trainer
thanks, I have tried these mass gainers all I got was a fat belly, I do use whey protein, but I can't make any gains with no testosterone that's why I am looking into sarms and it's OK for osteoporosis,
Did you combine mass gainer with heavy weight lifting. Muscles need high calorie environment to grow, though I have gained muscle with a little less calories. The trick is to "bulk" with lots of calories and the above listed supplements then once you gain (20 lbs for me) then high protein lower calorie diet. I bulked for 16 months and am now in process of losing that weight gain. You won't gain muscle without lifting heavy and with low calories, I was doing that until I got a trainer and she straightened me out
yeah I realize what you are saying don't you think ostarine or similar will help me,don't want to get a fat belly with prostate cancer.
It isn't a magic muscle builder. Have to lift, take your supplements and get your nutrition in line. If you are worrying about weight gain you can do a lean bulk. Calories just above what is necessary for you, low cal protein shakes. This should preserve muscle and lead to slow growth
I have no growth in me with no testosterone, I just need something to help sarcopenia and no muscle mass, have to be careful lifting heavy weights with severe osteoporosis
I have always trained with weights. Now at 67 I am losing my hard earned muscle taking Abi. & Orgovyx. I am trying Osterine and will experiment with dosing (keeping it low at about 8mg a day for now). I have tried to read everything about it and I am willing to take a bit of a risk and use it. No Dr. can talk about it because it's not approved for human consumption at this point. To gain muscle always takes work but that said, you can build without risking very heavy weight. Be consistant in your work outs, try to increase weight a bit at a time over time and yes, you need the right kind of calories to support that growth. I won't take creatine because my level is super high already, and that's from muscle breakdown. I just started so I'll check back in after a few weeks or a month and see which way I'm heading...... Best to you.
yeah I am 74 I just do light weights because l have now got osteoporosis due to my testosterone not recovering, I have been reading that sarms are ok for p/c and osteoporosis, and I am willing to try it.
I am in a similar situation to Radars. So are you saying that if we cannot safely lift anything heavy, then Ostarine is unlikely to help with sarcopenia?
Muscles grow through tearing and repairing, If you start light and lift correctly I think you will be fine. You have to start somewhere. If you take it and do nothing I don't think you will be successful. If you can't lift heavy use b resistance bands. When in doubt hire a knowledgeable trainer
What is the benefit of muscle mass above some minimal amount if you’re not interested in having a body builders physique?
To each his own I guess. Working out has given me an above average physic for my age. My trainer says I am in best shape of all her other clients in my age range. I have noticed a big difference in getting on and off the boat, climbing stairs, helping people move and doing things around the house. My overall fitness level has been greatly improved. My MO is pleased with my gains and increase in overall health. My wife and female friends love my "new body"
Have never heard of Ostarine or Ligandrol but will definitely mention to the MO because my husband is very concerned about loss of muscle from the ADT.
Ostarine isn't FDA approved but was designed as a cancer drug for pca. My doctor couldn't tell me to take it but didn't have a problem with me taking it as he knew all about it. Never tried Ligandrol as I am having such good luck with Ostarine
look up osterine and cardarine on body building sites. I like the site “moreplatesmoredates” lots of great info and references. You can ask your doctor all you want they won’t recommend it.
Osterine is in phase 3 trials for breast cancer and being fast tracked by FDA so get it while you can.
Also if you can’t get it in future some of us use RAD140.
so you don't think that sarms are safe enough for my p/c and no testosterone, and severe osteoporosis.
In my opinion it is very safe. did you not read my post that i linked?
you are safe to have trt with your Gleason score, don't understand all you are saying it's complicated but it's not safe to have sarms long term.
Sorry for the confusion.
"you are safe to have trt with your Gleason score, don't understand all you are saying it's complicated but it's not safe to have sarms long term. "
Are these statements or questions? i see no ? mark so I am not getting your statement/question jist.
I am going to assume it is questions.
IMO It is safe to take it long term, but you need to keep an eye on your AST/ALT/HDL ALSO if you are a body builder or anyone that does not want to lower Testosterone you need to do cycles. This is explained very well on the website
My gleason score was 3+3 before RP then at RP it was upgraded to 3+4. Now since it is metastasized gleason score doesn't matter as you are going to be on ADT and or worse.
Gleason score is for determining severity of disease at the beginning to determine treatment options. Once the beast is loose gleason doesn't come into SOC treatments. it's done with scans and PSA.
I have not got any testosterone it has not recovered since I finished my treatment in 2016,it's not good to use sarms long term you have to do cycles with pct,I can't be bothered doing that at 74,if it was safe long term I would do it they are linked to stroke and heart attack, just read about it on different websites.
So we have some warriors that have given you good sound advice which you asked for with weight training, SARMs (osterine) per your suggestion to taking it.
Now after a day of research on Osterine which is very safe and is in phase 3 trials you have decided your not going to try something that has been proven to work and is safe.
The scare articles are BS if you delve into them. us warriors are taking much lower doses than body builders are and having great results.
You have a friend who is excelling on Osterine granted he doesn,\'t have PCa. Use his knowledge!
I would suggest starting with a lower dose than we do like 1 mg every other day then work up to 5 mg/day after a few weeks. You also can't sit around you must be active. Walk for now if you can't lift weights but eventually you need to build muscle and thus bone strength.
Oh one VERY important point is what is your E2 level? Please look into E2 and bone and mental health and E2 add back. without T you have no Estrogen.
Good luck with you fight against this beast.
so you think ostarine or rd-140 will be ok for me long term, I do walk 3 times a week for about 45mns and I lift light weights, will that low dose help my sarcopenia, there is a pill I think you can take for estrogen.
just try it short term for now.
You need to browse our posts on estrogen. There are many.
You don’t want to take estrogen orally as it causes serious liver issues. Low dose Transdermal is what you want bit you MUST test your levels before and during any E2 patch or any drugs and supplement for that matter
I have no testosterone how will it effect me every where I have read is that to do it in cycles and not long term which I want.
I have been reading about people losing weight with ostarine, I want to put weight on I am only 8st.
so it's not worth me doing sarms with locally advanced prostate cancer would it be dodgy.
yeah but do you use sarms,do you have to be on adt to use sarms, because I am not on adt ,will it cause p/c recurrence
since I have been reading on here there's only a couple of people using it and 1 stopped due to rising psa, kocopr said that you have to be on adt.
I have been using it for 2 months now. I have had -0- negative effects that I can tell. Since I get blood work done every 3 months (just this week) we see no issues . I do believe it is helping me retain muscle. I had my hemotology oncology pharmacist weigh in "off the record" and she saw nothing to indicate this would cause me problems in what research she could find.
I don't know what to do after a lot of negatives,I have locally advanced prostate cancer t3b no mo, finished rt/ht 2016,but my testosterone has never recovered and now I have severe osteoporosis, can still go for daily walks and do pressups, have to be careful with weights, people with osteoporosis can lift weights but with severe osteoporosis it's dodgy.
SARMs are thought to be testosterone suppressive-i dont believe they increase it..
sarms have failed clinical trials, and they and they increase heart problems and stroke.