Looking for guidance from others who have experienced this. Briefly, I had a bad case of Radiation Cystitis along with hemorrhagic bleeding that sent me to the hospital multiple times for blocked urine flow due to clots, the last time being end of Jan 2023. After 20 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen therapy last year, and 50 sessions this year ending late March (second round needed because of recurrence), I have been completely free of any bleeding , even a tinge, since early May. I use a supra pubic tube and drainage leg bag, and manage ok with that, along with overnight bag. I am at the point of trying to get my bladder back to holding urine.
What I am looking to know is how others have managed traveling - I am itching to get back on a cruise ship, and then eventually on an airplane. What supplies do you travel with? Are there issues in flying with a leg bag? Any issues going through airport security? Do you clean the leg bags every night or do you use a new one each day? What do you clean them with ? ( I use a little bleach added to some water). Any other concerns or issues that arose from those who have done this?
Separately, has anyone done biking (bicycle riding) while wearing a leg bag or having a supra pubic tube / catheter? Issues? I am not looking to do a lot of miles, just perhaps 2 or 3 and will ask my doctor on this.
Appreciate thoughts - thank you.