How is that possible?! I wasn’t expecting that at my dad’s appointment today. This was supposed to be his 5th treatment with Jevtana but one of his kidney tubes is engulfed in a tumor which is preventing it from emptying urine. He has bone Mets all over but you wouldn t know it by looking at him. He is 77 and a fighter. Walks just fine but he is fatigued....MO says he needs to drain kidney via needle through back and empty into a bag for 2-4 weeks to see if his kidney function Is better and maybe a chance with 3 rd type of chemo that has 20-30% chance of helping him. He had 10 rounds of docytaxel last year and 4 rounds of Jevtana this year...I am DEVASTATED! My Daddy is dying?! There has to be more. Gene mapping was done. We did everything! No missed appointments. I just don’t understand. I want to do more for my Dad. I am not giving up and he isnt either. Please friends....give me clarity, advice, anything...Kimberly
3 to 6months to live! I don’t accept... - Advanced Prostate...
3 to 6months to live! I don’t accept this.

I am sending love bc I don't have advice. I lost my mom to lung cancer in four months . My dad has been fighting advanced pca four years. Btw your dad looks so adorable. Treasure every moment and attitude matters bc I saw the difference btwn my mom and dad. My dad's optimism and spirit and will and acceptance is why I have him though things are taking a bad turn I just posted on.
I am going to pray for you. I so wish I had advice or something more, but we are in this together, us daughters so please reach out whenever you wish xo
I love your dad's smiling eyes! His spirit shines!
Don't know what to say about this sad news to a loving daughter. All I can say is that we humans have our limitations...We have no choice but to honor Almighty God's Will. Prayers.
I failed Jevtana after 3 infusions. Lymph nodes blocked both ureters. Putting me in renal failure and spending a week in the hospital as sick as I have ever been. I now have tubes draining both kidneys. We are rechallengeing Zytiga with dexmethizone with a 50 percent chance to shrink the lymph nodes then hit with radiation so the tubes can be removed. We shall see. I am 60 and treatments have included LU-177. Good luck to you.
How hard is it with the tubes? Can you empty the bag yourself or do you have help?
Luckily my daughter is a nurse so she and my wife change the dressings which I can not reach. The bags are easy to drain. The worst part is the diverter valve which can stick into your back and be uncomfortable when sleeping or sitting. A gauze pad and tape will fix that. Tubes need irrigated daily with saline. Not what I would have choosen but still alive and no dialysis. We modified some underwear with pockets to hold bags for outings works great. Good Luck.
Once you got the nephrostomy, how long did it take your kidneys to improve before you started another treatment?? My dad has been told that until his kidney function and hemoglobin improve, he can’t go forward with treatment.
AS you said, don't give up, and don't let you father lose faith either. While we are all dying, it's God, not doctors, who decides when. Praying for both of you.
Fight on....and pray for specific needs that he has....I have see miracles thru my life....his will be done!!!
Kimberly , you are such a good daughter , if my daughter was still with us, I would have wished she was just like you.
No one can say exactly when the end will come, and humans can be surprisingly resilient. I was asked to enter hospice with a few weeks to two months to live ... and that was 23 months ago. I’m still around .... you just can never tell. There are many similar cases here on the group.
There is an old saying that I like that says “ please ( insert your religion here ) grant me : the courage to change the things that I can change , the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, and the insight to know one from the other. “ Your father looks great and you didn’t say he was in hospice yet ... seems like there could be quite a bit of time remaining.
Hang in there girl ... give your father those hugs and kisses he needs right now ... that’s a lot of support that he will appreciate very much. It will do him worlds of good.
Best wishes for both your father and for you Kimberly 🌼🌻🌸🌈🦋❤️
You always say the right thing with ❤️
Tharze a lot of people in despair hanging around these parts sometimes... it tugs at your heart strings. Croakers understand despair. Maybe now and then you can just put your arm around someone and try to lift them up a little. Give them a little hug , so to speak, and point out the possibilities that are obscured by all the grief sometimes. You can nearly always find some half full in a half empty glass.
Seems like you are always a positive influence here collarpurple .. Taking time to stop and say something nice yourself. Thanks
Just say’in. ❤️❤️❤️
My heart goes out to you. I've been where you are now with both parents, and know all to well that sinking feeling, like someone has thrown you down a deep hole. Ureteral stents sometimes help maintain kidney function.
Oh, I am so sorry. It is so difficult. My dad is struggling with prostate cancer too and I've been doing so much research for him. We are desperate too.
He just completed a five day water fast and has cut out dairy and moved to a mostly raw food vegan diet.
My research has continually pointed me to a few well-researched supplements and methods specifically for prostate, and those include:
Black seed oil or seed powder
Low choline diet
Vegan diet
No dairy
Dandelion root
Barley grass
Modified citrus pectin
Grape seed and skin
Pumpkin seeds
Broccoli treatment (boiled broccoli floret and stalk juice 2x a day)
Milk thistle
Green tea
Beta Glucans
Papaya leaf, seeds (black), and fruit
Red clover
Raw food diet
Broccoli sprouts
Medicinal Mushrooms
Please do research on these. I have found that there is very promising research on these therapies, and if you used in conjunction with each other and others, there is a lot of hope. If you would like any of the links to the studies and reviews, please let me know. I would be more than happy to share them.
Here's one for choline intake and risk of lethal prostate cancer:
Sending lots of love and healing your dad's way.

Thank you❤️

I do about 5 of these at a time. Along with lupron and Xtandi. 8 years out. Last PSA
Hi Kimberly- my dad is also fighting this deadly killer for the past 6 years and now has liver metastasis. You mentioned your dad has done the gene mapping, does he have the BRCA and CHEK 2 gene mutation? If so, he might be able to Lynparza- my dad just started taking it. Stay strong!
We did the 360 Guardiant and 1 mutation was found for colon cancer. That’s all I was told. I dont know what to do.
Thank you!
There might be some clinical trials he could qualify for. Stay strong and pray for direction. Love on him. He is blessed to have you in his corner!
Tova has offered many good natural supplements for you to research; however, it must seem overwhelming. I would suggest one natural supplement that has been under intense research for more than 25 years. Dr. AKM Shamsuddin at the University of Maryland is responsible for much of the work on IP6, which I have been taking since 2015. See his book on Amazon. Also, see my previous posts. Private message me for dosage instructions. Dr Rajesh Agarwal of the University of Colorado is another outstanding contributor to the IP6 research on prostate cancer.
Stay strong Kimberly. As strong as you Father looks. As far as anyone predicting how long someone will live is a lot of hockey puck.....Kisses and hugs help... prayers too. I will say a prayer for you Dad and address him in my prayer as sweet Kimberly's Dad...Bless you all...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 09/04/2020 6:27 PM DST
Thank you sweet John ❤️
Im sorry to hear this but your dad is lucky to have a loving, supportive daughter in you. I hope and pray that your dad is not in pain. Stay strong and spend the most of each day with him. Sending you love and prayers Kimberly 🙏🙏🙏
I am thinking of you both just want you to know I stopped to pray for you both . Hugs and love, Erica
Kimberly, I went through the procedure where they punched a hole in my back and into the kidney to relive the pressure caused by a tumor in my bladder which closed off the ureter. I was preparing to live with a bag, however, the urologist was able to insert a urteral antegrade stent instead. I pray🙏 that your Father may be able to have a similar outcome. Fingers crossed 🤞, 😎 DD.
You’re in my heart Kimberly.
Reach out to Dr. Beltran at Dana Farber/Boston.
To love like you love your Dad, is what every
Person hopes for. You both already have won
We are currently in New Delhi India for Lu177 treatment. We are also meeting with APAC Biotech which uses vaccines to turn around the disease. Could you seek better medical care abroad? Our experience is that SOC is a bit behind the rest of the planet. Best wishes. I totally understand how you feel. Much love coming your way.
If you are interested, Dr. Sen at Fortis Memorial Research Institute and her staff have been incredible. It's a bit rustic but the costs for treatment are very low compared to Germany and we have been treated like royalty. I love the Indian people. Hotels are very inexpensive. I hope some of this information helps.