Oh what a day it was, up at 2:30am on Sat grabbed coffee and a muffin (Yea, no fasting today LoL)
Vans dropped us at Onyx Summit, they got group pix and a lil after 4am, 20 something of us were off in our assigned groups with a Hike Leader who would switch at 2nd station. Our Group leader hung back and he had a really bright headlamp, so he lit the way as mine was really dim.
Note to self for next year 😂
It was around 36 degrees and I had a bunch of layers on, which I shed at the Lunch stop, We kept plodding along the Guide had already walked the section of Pacific Crest Trail, so he knew where to go
And y'all know that I sang out there, whatever popped in weird brain, most hikers dug it LoL
Uneventful until around mile 25 when lumbar spasms kicked in and was probs the uneven terrain, check out the rock slide pic that we had to traverse, so glad to have the trekking poles or I woulda hit the dirt many times, or worse down the cliff
We all raised almost $52,000 for Make a Wish😁
The dinner the night before, we were all supposed to say why we were doing it: I said that I've raised over 16k for ZERO and now was time to help the kiddos, Told about #stageivpca and people chatted me up then and at the post hike party. Made a bunch of new friends 💙
Fight on Qol on, Hike on
Pix are here
Shout out to Zengal79 for doing a post while I was out there and donating💙, just wanted to keep y'all updated
Mahalo nui los Sis😍