Just had my second PSMA/PET scan - the first one was in October and was clear - my PSA had risen to 0.2.
My PSA has been jumping around but has trended up the last two months to 2.5. So I went to Mayo for my scan today.
1. Worsening of T9 hypermetabolic lesion (miPSMA score 3).
2. New lesion within the right cerebellar fossa suspicious for metastasis to be correlated with the
dedicated brain imaging (miPSMA score 2)
3. Relatively stable nonspecific moderate/borderline prostatic uptake features.
Parotid SUV 15.7. Mediastinal blood per SUV 1.9. Liver SUV 10.
New focal abnormal uptake at the superior aspect of the right cerebellar fossa or cerebellum (image
65/SUV 4.6) to be correlated with dedicated brain imaging for potential metastasis.
Enlarging and increasing uptake of the right aspect of T9 crossing the midline (image192/SUV 48.5,
previously 6.4) from increasing bone metastasis.
I meet with my MO next tuesday - so the big question is that i plan on taking my whole family to France in exactly one month so i'm hoping for just being put on ADT/zytiga - any thoughts?