Fairly impressive research findings.
Anyone Drinking Gynostemma (Jiaogulan... - Advanced Prostate...
Anyone Drinking Gynostemma (Jiaogulan) Tea?

Thanks jazz ! I’ ve got the man boobs . I’ll try this ! 💪🏼✌️
interesting Jazi. Thanks for posting.
Looks like the tea also has blood thinning properties. Many of us on ADT or chemo end up with easy bruising side effects. Using aspirin along with this herb is contraindicated.
I plan to discuss with my MO and if no concerns, I will give it a try.
Just FYI - Various capsules and tea are listed on Amazon
Another tea if you are interested, Artemisia Annua Tea.
The gynostemma pentaphyllum extract is in LifeExtension's AMPK supplement which also contains some calcium in the mix.
If one wishes to avoid calcium "A Squared Nutrition" has a supplement which has black pepper in it to enhance absorption. The "Big A" of course!
A good post with a well done study to support it.
I only skimmed the article, but most of the data comes from compounds (not tea) injected into immunodeficient mice given cancer cells.
It mentions a few human trials though.
Those types of studies don’t translate into drinking tea as a human will give results. How much tea will you drink to gain these effects on cancer suppression?
I’m sure drinking the tea won’t hurt you, but not sure of benefit
Correct me if tea is mentioned in one of the links
Hopefully it won't hurt. Too many trying to take advantage of desperate people. Taking any supplement not approved by one's doctor is not wise. Remember, anyone can post an article on the internet and claim results. Just like all those magic weight loss cures.
Sounds like you and I are in the same page. Thanks.
Yes, the supplement industry is hugely profitable. I like Dr. Scholz attitude toward supplements which is don't take any unless blood tests reveal you to have optimal levels, or, its something that has good studies based on long-term evidence to show a benefit.
I like to drink tea and am a big proponent of when possible get all your vitamins, minerals and antioxidants through your diet, including tea. The downside though on something like tea is you really don't know how much of the active ingredients you are ingesting versus taking a supplement with standardized extract which Currumpaw has graciously added info on that here.
How appropriate........ Tea for Tits.....
j-o-h-n <===<<< Senior management is about to spike my spikes....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 04/04/2023 1:13 PM DST
Interesting substance. The first clinical trial on cancer referred to in the article shows a dramatic improvement compared to controls. I would love to see the study, but it is only two pages long and I do not manage to access this, nor any of the other mentioned clinical trials.