Can any of you other car guys correctly identify The make, model and year of these cars from my collecting days?
I think my record below from my profile shows that RAD 140 was clearly having a strong effect on my PSA.
Your mileage may vary but I would strongly advise caution.
6/15/22 - 0.01
7/15/22 - 0.01
9/15/22 - 0.01 Started SARMs, 5mg RAD140 and 5 mg Cardarine Daily
10/15/22 - 0.12 started a slow ramp up of Zytiga back to 1000mg on empty stomach( started 500mg added 125 mg each) week, thinking that under dosing is reason for PSA increase. Also stopped SARMs
11/9/22 - 0.03 Zytiga dose now 750mg
11/28/22 -0.06 Zytiga dose 1000mg Took SARMs intermittently randomly 3 or 4 days at a time hoping to get strength effect
12/6/22 -0.09 Lupron 3 mo. shot
12/19/22 -0.03
1/05/23 -0.06 Took SARMs intermittently randomly 3 or 4 days at a time hoping to get strength effect
1/18/23 -0.08
2/7/23 -0.05 Restarted SARMS, 5mg RAD140 and 1 mg Cardarine Daily
3/7/23 -0.18 Lupron 3 mo. shot Stopped SARMs on 3/7/23
3/23/23 -0.08