Ever since I finished chemotherapy I have suffered severe itching and nothing seems to touch it. Has anyone else experienced this?
pruritus: Ever since I finished... - Advanced Prostate...
Shortly after I began Xtandi I developed terrible itching on right inner arm... Mostly at night... Severe biting itching where I actually broke the skin by scratching so urgently...
I tried OTC cremes and tried and true homeopathic methods such as lavender oil, baking soda, witch hazel, even a steroid pill from my GP that was to alleviate itching... Nothing worked...
Take this with as many grains of salt as you wish but I then read up on hot Epsom salt baths as well as raw unfiltered organic honey. I began the baths and continue them 3x a week for other relief issues but the patch of itching skin healed over-night with the application of the raw unfiltered honey slathered on and covered with a bandage...
many thanks for your input, my problem is that it is my whole body. Like you I have all sorts of remedies but nothing has worked, although I used colloidal silver last night and managed a good night’s sleep. I don’t want to go to the doctor as I am sure he will put me on steroids, which I don’t want.
I Will try your suggestion of Epsom salts
I am still getting chemo, Docetaxel, and am having itching to the point of breaking skin by scratching. I try to be gentle with the scratching and can because I would not consider it severe, just very annoying.
be careful because mine started like that.
another side effect of chemo is that my nails hardly grow and break off so there is little danger of deep scratching.
that is interesting, my toenails are not growing but my fingernails are!
I have had two years to claws, mother, jungle red.
Hi, have you tried the scratch roller or star? I have heard they are very good. cosi-care.com/products/scra...
my wife was prescribed Hydroxyzine for severe itching caused by other medications. It seemed to work well.
I know my itch is not from chemo but I have suffered for years from brachioradial pururitis. ie. itchy arm syndrome. If I let my arms get in the direct sun for even 10 minutes, I suffer for weeks with terrible itching but no visible rash. Only thing that helps is rubbing ice on it. Maybe an ice bath if it is your whole body. I also used Sarna cream which worked for a while but I became allergic to it.
14 years after PCa, I'm dealing with cancer #2 (rectal cancer) and am on Keytruda (pembrolizumab), not chemo (long story as to why). I'm experiencing a lot of itching, especially on my abdomen. Advice from the oncologist is to use a clear emollient such as Vaseline, NOT a cream. This has provided a modicum of relief. Like you, I am loathe to move to steroids.
I had 16 treatments of Keytruda (last one 01/10/2018) for lung metastasis brought on my a melanoma on my neck. Absolutely no side effects from the meds. Took care of the lung metastasis so far...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 03/05/2023 10:30 PM EST
I have some itching, sometimes severe on my shins. I'm not sure where to place the "blame". I had 3 low dose taxotere infusions a year ago, immediately had intense ankle itching that went away. I take very light cycling dose of Xtandi as part of a BAT (4x40mg for 2 days, each month). Perhaps there's a bit of neuropathic itching. Xtandi is evil on my skin, bumps, dryness. I'm on Keytruda for a few more months, I suspect the Keytruda is the main culprit. The itching sites seem to be "contact" related, e.g. if I wear jeans, my shins will be itchy. I wear only cotton and wash only with hypoallergenic detergent. Occasionally a forearm will itch, often my neck now that I'm wearing sweaters in the winter. It's annoying for sure, almost like poison oak. The few times it's intense I take a benadryl and apply a bit of clobetasol. I have found that a salonpas patch helps (it's great on an insect bite). I'm not your doctor, but for me the 4x40mg Xtandi is ludicrous, why not 1, 2, or 3? Talk to your doctor. Hope that helps, I have nothing else to share on this topic, good luck.