Hello, I'm Bill. I've been dealing with pc for close to 21 years, ADT for 19 years. I have included a short description in my bio. Thanks.
New to this site.: Hello, I'm Bill. I... - Advanced Prostate...
New to this site.

welcome bill. There are a lot of knowledgeable folks here and people like Tall_Allen have a lot of knowledge about PCa. Hope to be invited to your 100th birthday party 😀
welcome Bill, you have joined the best social PCa group. You will learn a lot and im sure pass on your knowledge to the community.
I think you are going to find that you bumped into the smartest prostate cancer forum on the internet.... at least in English.
Lot's of smart people here. Always willing to provide well considered and informed advice.
The stronger ones sometimes squable a bit. But that's the human condition. LOL
Welcome, Bill. I am about same age as you and have similar pc story. I wonder if you have done anything in terms of diet or other alternative therapies. Any mets that cause pain?
Thanks. To your question about diet. It wasn’t until I had a triple bypass in 2019, that my then newly acquired cardiologist recommended that I should go on the Mediterranean diet. Not as easy as it may sound! I will say that over the years I have been aware that I needed to lose some weight (I’ve never been terribly overweight, but I am overweight). As strange as it may sound, I have never had a doctor tell me that I should lose weight. On the contrary, my first oncologist told me not to lose too much weight since I may need the extra weight in the last part of my “journey”. My first urologist/surgeon never recommended that I should start weight training or be on a diet to avoid muscle loss or weight gain after I was place on ADT (Lupron). In the last 20 plus years I’ve seen several doctors many times, and generally I have been weighed when I first go in for the appointment, but nothing was said about my weight during the appointment. On my own I’ve tried several different diets, only to quit all of them. I’ve recently started to do more online research concerning diets and advanced prostate cancer. I believe that the lectures by Dr. Moyad on the “Grand Rounds of Urology” website may have some of the best advice. “Do your best to eat heart healthy”, and do weight training and exercises to prevent muscle loss. I’m Trying! I have not tried any alternative therapies. As of this time, I have no mets that have shown up on bone scans. I believe that all of my pain can be attributed to muscle pain as side effects from the various medications that I take, and to the osteoarthritis that has developed over the last several years.
Welcome to this forum! Quite impressive journey so far. Keep on fighting and all the best.
Welcome! Great, encouraging bio. Inspiring to me 4 years in.
Welcome, Bill ! You and I are neck and neck in terms of age and diagnosis, but you are way ahead of me with the ADT. Congratulations on withstanding ADT for 19 years !!
Why change from Enza to darolutamide?
Greetings William,
So where are you located and where are you being treated....You don't have to respond but it helps us help you and helps us too...... May 2002 to now = 22 years. Good going - keep it up!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 02/13/2023 12:23 PM EST
Hello, I live in a small community in Montana. The problem with living in a small community is that initially, there were no specialists that provide services locally. I had to travel 125 miles to see my urologist and then an oncologist. When I was having salvage radiation in 2003, I was fortunate to only have to travel 25 miles, but that was in January and February with the cold and snow covered roads. Things have improved over time, and now there are Dr’s who do travel periodically to my community. Along the way I’ve had three general practitioners, three urologists, a psychiatrist, a heart surgeon, a cardiologist, six medical oncologists, and one radiation oncologist. Now you might think, “he’s not very happy with his doctors”, but the fact is that if you live long enough, and in a small town, your doctors come and go. Some die, some retire, and some move on to new places. But I'm still here!
Hello Oliver46 now that's a twist on the name Bill/William. (Thanks for responding)
Well congratulations on still being here. We share something in common, I'm still here too. Besides I also was diagnosed in 2002, and have been fighting those little bastards for 20 years. I happen to be much older than you (86 years old) and also had to fight the melanoma bastards that metastasized to my lungs. So far we fought the lung issue with Keytruda, and it worked.
The dog in your Icon appears to be a King Charles Cavalier, very nice breed. We have a saying here in NYC with all the congestion. "The more I like my dog, the less I like people"...
My wife and I used to call Montana a filler state. If you want something to fill in between Idaho and North Dakota they used Montana as the filler state.
We are glad you came to this site and you will be glad too. Lots of information and camaraderie. Take care and keep posting......and long live your doctors....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 02/13/2023 10:05 PM EST
welcome to the group Bill , you came to the right place. The best aPCa knowledge on the web and a great bunch of caring , friendly, guys and gals dealing with this together.
Welcome Bill ! 21 yrs is something . Wow . You give hope to many . As we all know ,pc is a long winded bastardo!It is like a war of attrition if one is lucky enough to make it past the first few years .
