I've spent some time looking around the site. Seems to be very active and chocked full of interesting info. Thanks to all for that.
I'm 73, otherwise in good health. 3 1/2 years post robot-prostatectomy with clear margins, Gleason 4/3, PSA at surgery 4.9. PSAs post surgery were <0.015 ng/ml until late '17 when LabCorp changed their reporting method (from "limit of detection" to "limit of the blank), the < sign disappeared from my serial PSAs, and now are rising slowly (0.012 11/17, 0.014 2/18, 0.021 12/18, 0.031 2/19).
I've been on a regimen of clean (but not vegan) diet, regular exercise (walking ~ 6 - 10 mi/wk), and a variety of dietary supplements including Pectasol-C, BCQ from Pure Formulas, and BreastDefend from Econugenics all overseen by a complementary physician who specializes in breast and prostate cancer.
As a result of the rising PSA, however, I'm beginning to explore what I might do next. I'm especially intrigued by maxlifespan's experience with 4-MU, Casodex, and Isosilybin. More research ahead...