PSA - 0.006
T - 237
E2 - 106
ALP - 86
PSA - 0.006
T - 237
E2 - 106
ALP - 86
No one seems to know what is going on? Perhaps Dr. Wassersug or Tall Allen may have an idea?
I just talked to my MO and he told me not to use it.
He said “ your hormones are good now, don’t mess up with them with anything”. Gel or patches. He is a very well respected MO.
I have not been on any treatments since 10/2021 and my T recovered to 650 now but but the psa started rising this month(2/2023) to .08 so I was thinking instead of starting the heavy ADT( firmogon) , I would go with the gel but MO said no. He said wait until psa goes up to .2 and do a psma.
What doing?
"Gel hasn't been demonstrated properly to my knowledge (although I am certain that it would work). "
Dosing control would be too hard.
If the research is too hard to do, and there is nothing proprietary that will come out of it, maybe never gets done.
I did a psma scan at nih when my psa was about .6 and found nothing. So, I guess, the chances of finding anything now is probably also nothing. It’s a touch situation to be in ( I am sure others are in worse situations). The question is, what should I do if the psma didn’t find anything at .2, should I resume ADT or wait for the cancer to grow more and cause more damage?
Dang, I'm thinking you guys have it more confusing than me. I went for Orchiectomy almost 8 years ago (didn't want drugs) and started "T" 9 months later. Just have to go *on and off and on and .... * to have "T" vary from 0 to 1,600+ng/dL. Right now it's 0 and no effects. Bicycled 60 miles today and going out tomorrow for 50 to 70 more.
Next testing in 3 months and might just start up again with "T" so recovery from rides is better and the 100 mile rides will return. DEXA scan recently showed not too much worse than 2016's scan.
You will always get the most reliable dosing data from the patches, unless you have patients coming in and getting the gell applied to them by nurses operating under a consistent protocol
Gel is probably good for treatment purposes. But not so good for good consistent data collection purposes.
That is my supposition anyways.
What have been your previous test results? There are so many variables. With transdermal preparations there can be variations in absorption due to vehicle used in preparations, sites of applications, frequency of application, individual metabolic processing, frequency of bathing, climate/temperature, whether skin covered or not, level of physical activity, etc. So need to always look at the bigger picture. Even more so with an n=1.
Also be certain to discontinue use of any Biotin/vitamins several days before blood draw for E2. Biotin interferes with lab test.
Makes Zero sense to me also.
spt is?????
so, our Docs just ignore anything but US trials?????? Or did he say that perjoratively?
I also don't know what SPT is - googled but nada.
Thank you for posting. This evidence shows again other avenue's in treatment for some individuals. Been watching smurtaw over the last year and he also shows some interesting data. Looking forward to more data going into 2023.
if you don’t mind sharing, how did you come with these numbers 17 years and then lowered it to 12? I am trying to see if I can possibly live another 5 years. Is there a nano gram that I am not aware of ?
Where can I buy E2 gel. Thanks.
Glad to see the E2 is still working. Just keep on going!