Just received my latest blood test results which I am quite pleased with; however, the numbers are somewhat surprising. I have been using the same lab for several years so I don't think there is a significant amount of error. Three months ago I decided to reduce my daily dosage of gel by about 25% since I was happy with my numbers, but curious to see if a lesser amount would alter them. My PSA is unchanged (0.004 to 0.003); however, my T has gone from 10 to 91, and my E2 has gone down to 47 from 174. I will probably go back to my previous dosage since my T is currently well above the castrate range and I'm afraid that my PSA will begin to rise. Still no side effects other than some gynecomastia and nipple tenderness. The boobs seem to have stopped growing and the tenderness is subsiding.
Sixth transdermal E2 update - Advanced Prostate...
Sixth transdermal E2 update

Great results Ron, congratualtions. I am VERY interested in starting the patches when time comes. Right now, I am looking into trying the metformin therapy and see if it has any effect on the rising psa. My next approach would be the estrogen, patches or gel. Congratulations again.
Thanks Ahk1. If you would like more info regarding my use of the gel don't hesitate to message me. I am loving the stuff...it is easier to use than brushing your teeth and not a whole lot more costly. Dries in minutes, no skin rash, no hot flashes/flushes, no bone density loss, no muscle mass loss, no fatigue, no mood swings, no cognitive impairment...just a little pair or boobies which are no big deal!
Hola ronron Te escribo desde Barcelona.
Estoy inyectando a Eligard Quarterly, hace
14 meses Un desastre. No puedo con mi cuerpo.
Mi médico me ha dicho que tengo que inyectarme hasta
3 años
No había escuchado nada sobre el gel. Es posible que
¿No lo prescribes aquí? ¿Me puede dar información?
Hi Ronron. I write to you from Barcelona.
I'm injecting Eligard Quarterly, ago
14 months A disaster. I can not with my body.
My doctor has told me that I have to inject myself until
3 years old
I had not heard anything about the gel. It is possible that
Do not prescribe it here? Can you give me information?
Thank you
I'm sorry that I didn't understand your Spanish reply...thank you for translating into English. If you read my profile you should be able to understand how the gel works. It has been working very well for me and it is extremely easy to use. It is made in France by Besins and you should be able to buy it in Europe. The cost should be between $20 and $30 per tube and one tube lasts me about a month. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask...I'm here for you if I can help. Un saludo, sabiendo que, como siempre, seguiré estando a vuestra disposición. Ron
Do you also get an assay of SHBG?
Hi Ron,
Are you tracking free testosterone?
"The castration level of FT was established at 1.7 pg/mL." [1]
&, as if we don't have enough to worry about:
"Elevated serum E2/fT ratio is a precipitating factor for recurrent varicose veins in male patients." [2]
Thank you Nalakrats for your reply and the helpful explanation. Happy to have you back on the forum again, and to hear that you still have this beast sleeping without using drugs! We miss you while you're catching up on your beauty-rest, praying, gardening, impressing the "babes" in the gym with your 300 lb bench presses, fishing, gator hunting, doing 'whatever' with those "damn good daily orgasms" (thanks to the 759 T level), etc!
That's certainly interesting Ron. It goes to show the importance of monitoring blood test results and Estriadol dosage and acting accordingly.
Great results Ron. Happy for you. And you can stay in and play with your tits... Win win. Cheers
The 'working' girls here in Thailand enjoy fondling them also!
Haha! Working girls! Like I could benefit from their services with no package! But they do give a great body massage!
One reason I use the patches is to ( I believe) more accurately control dosage as we’ve discussed. Keep on truckin!
Hey bro,
There are other ways of 'dealing' with the working girls even with a kaput package...don't throw the towel in too quickly! Something to be said for 'happy endings'.
I think that I have my dosage dialed in fairly well with the gel as you can see by my hormone levels. According to Richard W. my previous blood level results were right in the money when I was using a 2½" long bead.
Ron, I have had to discontinue Xtandi and Firmagon use due to the development of coronary artery blockage. I am interested in the estrogen patches you are using because its my understanding they do not have the cardio side effects that other ADT drugs have. Is this your understanding as well?
Joe, Transdermal estradiol [tE2] (I'm applying the gel form to my inner thighs on a daily basis) has a much lower cardiac event risk than oral estrogens since it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream and bipasses the liver. I am not very well versed on how it compares to the many other ADT drugs currently being prescribed; however, Richard Wassersug is the tE2 guru and I'm sure that he would be happy to discuss this with you. He lives in Vancouver and I can get you in contact with him if you would like. PM me if you want his contact info.
Elsewhere you noted the continued use of dutasteride during your off years. As I posted on this site:
If one is trying to prevent prostate cancer cells from becoming insensitive to ADT, then is it wise to continue dutasteride while on the off cycle? If per Snuffy most of the support for PC cells comes from DHT not T, then just as stopping T reduces the DHT, is not dutasteride acting in a similar way and thus preventing the ADT holiday from resensitizing [wrong word as pointed out elsewhere] the PC cells? Obviously I have no understanding of the chemistry involved, but this seems logical to me, and the AVIAS trial showed no benefit to continuing dutasteride while on holiday.
(Apologies for thread hijacking.)
Thanks for posting your intermittent schedule, this is very helpful information. Great to hear that you maintain PSA undetectability.
I'm curious if you are receiving 3 month Lupron shots? I just finished Docetaxel in September and have been on Lurpon since April, 2018. I have asked doc when I can take a break being my PSA is in undetectable range. . His reply is, no sooner than a year, so I asked about receiving 1 month Lurpon versus 3 month in January so I can take a break in April but he says there's no difference regarding the lasting affects of getting Lupron out of your body, yet I read the side effects on 1 month leave your body quicker.
Any information you can provide regarding this is very much appreciated.
Thanks and enjoy your intermittent holiday brother!