Short talk on Quackery in Medicine I ... - Advanced Prostate...
Short talk on Quackery in Medicine I saw recently

Nice video , a keeper.
Thanks. I think a lot of it comes down to hope as Lydia says.
I saw a comment recently on the forum that said something like "I'm desperate, I'll try anything right now." I completely understand that, but it makes me sad that there are people who take advantage of that vulnerability to sell unproven quackery.
The best thing we can do is to educate people so they don't fall victim to medical "treatment" scams.
I will stick to the tried and true, I know my life is shorten by years maybe and have come to the reality that this disease may more than likely will take me. The material things we collect is not important but people and pets are what we should live for. Material things make us comfortable through life but spiritual and relations with others are more important and harder to let go. Reality sucks in some ways but strong support through our faith in God and family, friends and caregivers are what counts.
Living in my supposed memory of glory days of the past, and living in regret of past decisions and how things might have been - both are illusions I create.
Worrying that things might turn out badly, and hoping that things will turn out well - both are illusions I create.
These fictions, comforting and anxiety-producing, pull me out of the present moment when I grasp too strongly to my fictional past or my fictional future. Yet the only place that is relatively safe, known, and true is just where I am right now.
I practice mindfulness, which makes me aware of how often I escape to the past and the future, good or bad. I am only human. The best I can do is grasp less fiercely to the fictions I create, and be aware that they are fictions.
your observations are on target…a bullseye. Thanks for the reminder to question the fantasies my brain conjures up to avoid thinking about what the present moment presents.
reminds me something one of my friends used to say ‘where there’s hemp, there’s hope’.
Quackery can be found everywhere and indeed must be avoided. The solution would seem to lie through education. A quackery/hope linkage could be damaging. The 1950s hope experiments, while disgusting and inappropriate, suggest we all need a reason to keep swimming.
Speaking of ridiculous medical treatment, here are some great posts from the members on some stupid things their doctors have said:
So funny, but I was thinking exactly the same.
And for US residents, don't think you need to go somewhere like Mexico to get quack treatments, they are available right here in the US.
Things like:
Anthroposophy, Aromatherapy, Traditional cultural healing practices, Detoxification practices and therapies, Energetic healing, Gerson therapy and colostrum therapy, Healing practices using food, dietary supplements, nutrients and the physical forces of heat, cold, water and light, Herbology and herbalism, Reflexology and Reiki, Mind-body healing practices and Holistic kinesiology.
Here are just some of what's available in Nevada, a mecca for quackery where a friend of mine went off to die with the false promise of natural healing without side effects. While I was going through the side effects of chemotherapy (so terrible!) he was enjoying a nice, natural death, courtesy of one of these jack-ass "doctors".
The state of Nevada is even protecting quacks now.
Please give us the details of your cancer and how you are treating it. Which of the alternative methods are you using for your cancer?
Yes a reasonable question Ed Bacon.
Unfortunately Londinium’s profile reads ‘nothing to see here’. Brilliant. Mr G68 has an empty profile also. You guys who won’t tell us anything about your disease aren’t helpful and it’s hard to trust you.
What exactly do you 'distrust'? I don't have a public profile for personal reasons - I never do on any public forum - not just this one. It's not a requirement here.
What is it you think I'm trying to achieve? Surely if I wanted to deceive people, I would put in a fake profile?
Good for you......You don't need to have a profile here and that is ok🦊
No profile. Its a sure sign one doesn't want to divulge the SOC care or the Active Surveillance status of their cancer so that they can promote eating pigs placentas' etc. ( your buddy MRMG68's choice of treatment ).
you know. Maybe it’s okay to just let it be 🦊no one knows what he may be dealing with in his life.
My guess is a lot of these people promoting alternatives here don't have cancer and are here are selling products, books and services through private messaging. They can't make money on the Standard of Care treatments. If something looks like a quack and quacks like a quack, well you know.
In the video, the speaker uses leeches as her primary example of quackery. Bad example. Plastic surgeons still use leeches to help establish blood flow to a surgical site.
Thanks for posting. With the Video and Tall Allen post it’s a home run 👍
One hundred years from now, scientists will be laughing at today's medical treatments.
loved that video! best wishes brian