I have a tendency to “go dark“. It’s a joke in my family that I take every small incident to the worst possible scenario in a blink of an eye. So I’m trying to put that into context with my current concern! 😜😜😜
My dad just passed four years since his diagnosis with stage four PC. When he was first diagnosed, his tumor was so large that it had caused his kidneys to go into failure and he had double nephrostomy tube‘s for nearly 2 months. His cancer had metastasized to a single nearby lymph node. He immediately began chemotherapy and hormone therapy. He ended chemo in November 2015 and has remained successfully on hormone therapy since.
He goes in for his three month testing on July 5 so it’s been a while since we had a PSA test completed. The last time he was tested, it was .07.
He just told me this morning that he had an incident where he had some pain/“pulling sensation” in his bladder when and after he urinated. He also said that he experienced it a few times afterwards but that his urine stream remains strong and he is not having any problem with urine flow. No presence of blood or anything, either.
When I had asked our oncologist what we should keep an eye out for in the day to day, he said urinary problems. Does this constitute urinary problems? Does this constitute a reason to be concerned or am I “going dark” again?