Why do my feet and ankles stay swollen while on ADT therapy
Why do my feet and ankles stay swolle... - Advanced Prostate...
Why do my feet and ankles stay swollen while on ADT therapy

I’m not sure but my ankles hurt like mad, even though they are not swollen.
Mine only get swollen after a hard night of drinking and dancing. Also when i am somewhere with cobblestone streets
I use a machine called a revitive, it vibrates through feet up the legs & next day no swelling ankles. For some reason my right ankle puffs up after a few light ales the night before.
Mine did as well left leg when cancer was in lymph nodes. Xtandi cleared it up.
Swelling of the feet/ankles is listed as a common side effect of Lupron and similar drugs.
I take a diuretic when mine get too puffy, but you should ask your doctor how to reduce this side effect in your case.
are you taking prednisone? i think it is prescribed pretty much always with ADT to prevent edema.
Diuretics, compression and elevation help. Losing any excess weight and keeping sodium low also helps. Move as much as you can, circulation matters more on ADT.
If you are also taking prednisone , swollen joints is a side effect as a result of water retention. You need some water medication. I had it too (edema)
I'd suggest you schedule an appointment with your cardiologist as a starting point.
Not sure. I've never had that issue in 4+ years of Lupron.
Walk for as much as you can tolerate up to an hour, drink plenty of water up to 64fl an day, cut back on salt. With legs raised run your hands up and down your legs as if squeezing the fluid up your legs. I think any movement helps. Higher blood flow pumps more blood thru the kidneys and removes more water and waste per hour. This benefit outlasts the time spent doing it. I have one kidney I,know these things.

Good advise. Will get moving.Thanks

Great response thank you
Now that you mention it, my ankles must be swollen a bit as my socks are tight just above the foot.I have to stretch out the sock.
It is common for ankles to swell when on ADT drugs. Try wearing tight socks and always wear shoes. It helps.
It appears to be a sequela to ADT but as others have said, a low sodium diet is helpful and stay active while avoiding excessive sitting with you legs in a dependent position. Your MO could rule out lymphadema if you have lymph node involvement. If persistent, a cardiologist should be consulted to rule out cardiac etiology particularly if the edema is pitting. Best to you
Thanks for taking the time to reply
I use compression socks..seems to work for me.
In my case Lupron is adversely affecting my heart causing fluid retention in my lower legs so you may consider a visit to a good cardiologist. Good luck.
I have edema from adt esp bad if travel.i do my lisinopril wich has a 12.5 diuretic along with another 12.5 of hydroclorithizzide....sp?....AND 20 mg flurozimide...(lazix)...i void upto half gallon at nite...but keep a piss bottle by bed to limit roaming to make it to looo..have wbc/ rbc low..hematacrin, some other cmp stuff...but its the adt.Then after all that....cramps...cancer sux
I’m sorry if this is too late to reply
But I’m thinking compression socks might help also soaking in a tub with Epsom salts helps.
They sell large bags at the drugstore I think bathe brand is called teal’s but I’m not sure