Is there Sex still while on ADT? - Advanced Prostate...

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Is there Sex still while on ADT?

Haniff profile image
โ€ข68 Replies

I have read some where ( canโ€™t remember where-brain fog ๐Ÿฅด) that by taking low doses of Viagra or Cialis daily, thereโ€™s a chance I may still be able to perform and relive my days of lust...๐Ÿ˜Ž or its just baloney as it is counter to the ADT...SOS

Anyone care to share and comment on their experiences. For I cannot fathom the fact that Iโ€™ve lost the chance of making love while taking in all the pain and anguish of needles, scans and more scans and blood tests to stay alive. Alas to be unrequited in love and lust...๐Ÿค”

Take good care my brothers.


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Haniff profile image
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68 Replies
GP24 profile image

If ADT has not been done for too long, you should be able to perform. Usually, you just have no interest to do so. But you could do your wife a favor.

In spite of the title, this video covers the sexual side effects of ADT:

and this video covers these in case of standard of care for prostate cancer:

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to GP24

Thanks Bro

Gonna watch me some videos...๐Ÿ˜‰

Take good care


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Haniff

While you're at it, watch a few pornos.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 10/14/2019 5:20 PM DST

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to j-o-h-n

Yup, now you're talking brother...gonna enjoy without reactions down

Good cheer j-o-h-n


Tall_Allen profile image

ADT diminishes libido - not erectile function. Some guys I know kept the fire burning, and even used a pump to prevent size loss.Low dose daily pills may allow nighttime erections, which prevent size loss too. ED pills only give erections if you are mentally aroused. Trimix works even without libido.

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to Tall_Allen

Thanks Tall_Allen

So I can ask my urologist to prescribe Trimix? And either Viagra or Cialis will not interfere with the work of ADT?

Pray, do advise my dear Brother.

My very best to you and appreciate it.


Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Haniff

Yes- he can prescribe Trimix. No, they will not interfere with ADT.

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to Tall_Allen

Thanks ๐Ÿ™

abmicro profile image
abmicro in reply to Tall_Allen

Best pump after trying many brands years ago is the ericaid esteem. Dont ask for any other. Pump--no drugs, natural, good for circulation.

Fairwind profile image

After 3 years on ADT, sex becomes an abstract concept...

in reply to Fairwind

Ainโ€™t that the truth brother ... hey what were we talking about again ? Oh yah, Sex wtf is that?????? I had a pretty good run at it for about 38 years ... but who counting ..??? Reality , what a concept ..

tango65 profile image

It seems testosterone is needed for a normal erectile function. Hypogonadism is a cause of erectile dysfunction. See this article:

blueCello profile image

I am surprised to see zero comments here from your brothers. I believe it is finished if one pursues ADT therapy but I'm curious to hear otherwise.

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to blueCello

Yup blueCello

Me too ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


blueCello profile image

Ah, now i can see comments. Very interesting.

Moespy profile image

No interest in sex for me on ADT, unfortunately.

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to Moespy


timotur profile image

Zero interest in sex, but a handful of nocturnal erections after six months of ADT.

Ron53 profile image

I have substantial interest, but nothing else. Went undetectable in March. Stopped Lupron in August. Plan on a vacation from Zytiga in November if still undetectable... to see if I get anything back. Hopefully T will go up and PSA stay down. Probably just hopeful, but may not have another shot. Gotta see.

in reply to Ron53

Be hopeful be positive ,itโ€™s powerful med . Pray for good .. you can be undetech for many years ..

Wassersug profile image

Data on how many men claim remain sexually active on ADT have been published in four papers that i know of. On average it is about 1 in 5 men, but probably biased toward younger men with newer sex partners. The four papers all suffer from not defining what the men's actual sexual activity was...and it is unlikely to be standard penile-vaginal intercourse given the high incident of ED with ADT.

.A much small percentage of men claim to remain orgasmic on ADT, at least for the first year. The percentage is in the single digits and again likely biased toward the younger man with newer sex partner.

A patient with castrate levels of testosterone provided a fascinating account of his capacity for orgasmic sex in the following paper, which goes beyond the standard ED treatments covered in Mulhall's mode and book.


Warkentin KM, RE Gray & RJ Wassersug 2006 Restoration of satisfying sex for a castrated cancer patient with complete impotence: A case study. J. Sex Marital Ther., 32:389-399.


If this paper interests anyone, I can send them a copy plus two more recent ones that discussion strategies for 1) maintaining intimacy (sexual and others) on ADT and 2) sexual recovery in general beyond the standard ED treatments discussed by Mulhall.

Richard W.

Scout4answers profile image
Scout4answers in reply to Wassersug

Hi Richard

Hope all is well with you, I would like to read the above mentioned papers if still available.



Ldb01 profile image

We found the occasional viagra worked. Then the dr said to go on Cialis every day. It dropped the blood pressure so badly and hubby ended up having fainting spells aling with anaemia. Have not tried viagra again. He would take a half for 2 days and then suddenly.....surprise !

Okayjan profile image

As a wife, I will say that my husband took 25 milligrams of viagra every other day during his 6 months of Lupron, after the Lupron was over and his numbers were recovering, libido began to return, he bumped it up to 50 milligrams a day, he still takes that and another 50 on nights we have sex. His Radiation and lupron have been over for a good 8 months, still a few hot flashes but vaginal and oral sex are satisfying and nearly normal. Keep the faith.....itโ€™s been a long year but we are lucky and have a possibility of cure,

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to Okayjan

Dear Okayjan

Keep living the good life and my very best to you and hubby. Gonna hold on to the Faith, my dear.


Okayjan profile image
Okayjan in reply to Haniff

Forgot to say weโ€™re both 76๐Ÿ˜‡

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to Okayjan

The best of ages my dear โค๏ธ


PaddleDragon profile image

I'm 9 months into ADT (Lupron), radiation 8 years ago, prostate removed 9 years ago. Full strength Cialis works for me, with a little help from my lovely lady.

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to PaddleDragon

Oh youโ€™re one lucky chap PaddleDragon

Ahoy, Cialis, I am going to swim ๐ŸŠโ€โ™€๏ธ towards your charm pretty soon. Going to get myself some from the good Doctor.

Take good care.


PaddleDragon profile image
PaddleDragon in reply to Haniff

Best of luck Haniff, be patient and get lots of assistance from your lady!

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to PaddleDragon


Patrick-Turner profile image

I've had ADT since 2010 when I was 63. I'm now 72, and the idea of having any partner at all and one who could have sex is just a stoopid idea.

Rodger is done and dusted, game over, no more honky tonk, no more whoopee, and he's got fibroids in erectile sponge tissues that prevent any hardon during days. But I have nuisance hard ons nearly every night during dreams about being with girls and ladies in crazy situations. Rodger sure gets hard, but is half its old length with bend toward toes like a brass garden tap, and it cannot experience any pleasure at all with any sort of stimulation, and its no good for any penetration. The skin join between head and shaft has become fragile and sometimes pulls apart and bleeds for a day or two. So it seems the ADT plus EBRT to PG have thoroughly wrecked nerves controlling Rodger, and treatments have exterminated all my physical sexuality, and I do not want to ever use a strap on dildo. But so what, there's more in life than sex. I'm fully continent. Pca is under control for now, I have survived nearly 10 years after Dx. I can ride a bicycle, more rewarding than trying to make love to a lady I might be dating, say someone 65, just a yungie. But 99% of ladies I meet over 50 have almost zero interest in anything male, plus a pile of body self esteem bothers etc. I do love my dentist who is a lady 48, and many nurses, but no more sex for me, ever, except in my dreams. So it would be utterly pointless for me to take Viagra or Ciallis, I'd hate the results. My mind clearly would like a partner, but my body refuses to follow. Lust is a *been there done that thing*, and love seems to have never existed for me.

Patrick Turner.

TFBUNDY profile image
TFBUNDY in reply to Patrick-Turner

Bloody hell. Now I know why I've got to wait until I hear the hinges creaking on those pearly gates before I go near that witches hell brew called ADT. Must get more supplements to add to my twelve a day. DUKORAL anyone?

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to TFBUNDY


So true...๐Ÿ˜‰


in reply to TFBUNDY

Hahaha , scary sh@@! Only 12? Not bad ... pass the Dukoral please๐Ÿ˜‚

Patrick-Turner profile image
Patrick-Turner in reply to TFBUNDY

I have to question if heaven and its pearly gates exist. But the gates might not open often to let anyone in if they do exist, so they could be rusty, hence the creaking noises. Meanwhile they have to oil the gates daily at Hell, although most ppl deny they'd ever qualify to go there.

But in the first 2 years of ADT, not a huge amount happened, hardon was fine, but orgasms dulled at the end. During the 6 month pause 2012 to 2013 to see if that therapy worked, Rodger woke up fully, and in last 3 months of the pause, T came back to 20, in the normal range between 8 and 38, my bike speed went 4kph higher, and orgasms were like being 25 again.

Within months of re-starting ADT after Psa went high, T went low, bike speed went low, then dull orgasms and restart of a few hot flushes.

I kept cycling, and I didn't ever feel I wanted and needed to have a lady, would have been quite nice, but I just never ever met anyone, not a fault of ADT, but a fault of the way that in my society, women tend to get way from men and keep away once their pause from men begins ( menopause ) and their hormones change as drastically as men who are forced onto ADT because there's nothing else good when they get Pca. But in late 2015, the orgasm had faded right down to zero, and Rodger filled with fibroids to become short and bent and useless, except as a drain pipe.

Last night's dream included me at my age now with a girl of 18 who thought I was nice, she thought I was nice too, she could not resist, basically drew near and lingered because she wanted it, like a few I knew when I was 20. So I had a hard on for an hour at 4am, and the dream was slow to fade, and I was uncomfortable and I turned on the TV to watch anything to break what religious ppl might call the demon of lust, but of course I don't believe in that either, and what's happening is that my mind is so deprived these last 35 years at least of any female who might be good company ETC, that my mind invents the company. This happens whether you have T or you don't have T.

There's not a single doctor who can easily talk about the sexual mutilation caused by ADT. Often the doctors are so screwed up themselves by the time they reach 50, talking about sex just is not on. Some urologists might offer penile reconstruction where the damaged sponge tissue inside Rodger is scraped out and replaced by some plastic tube that is inflatable, so you can get an instant hard on and maybe about as long at it was at 20, and just as usable, except that the nerves in head of Rodger remain dead, there is no feeling of pleasure for the man even if he does find a willing partner he has to "fix up" lest she sneak down the road to a younger man's arms with a fully working


After 1/2 an hour watching crap TV the hard on went by 5am, I could sleep again.

Well, its now time I set off for a 60km cycle ride with a coffee and read of news papers at 1/2 way and that will be very nice.

Life's good, I don't need no sex, doin fine without it, I have no woman to argue with, spend on, try to make happy, which is often an impossible task.

I'll die alone, and nobody will hold my hand, so I hope the morphine is good, and I'll just hold one hand with other, if I am conscious.

ADT was necessary or Pca would have killed me by about 2014. But I am still here. So a man can hate ADT and the resulting side effects, but it delayed my death and then Lu177 came along, was available 300km up the road in Sydney, and that may delay death by maybe 4 years.

I must go, catch up later,

Patrick Turner.

TFBUNDY profile image
TFBUNDY in reply to Patrick-Turner

Holy Shit...! And all that with a Dodgy Rodger... Well done and keep your Pecker up.... I knew it was all in the mind.... But what a mind you have.

Patrick-Turner profile image
Patrick-Turner in reply to TFBUNDY

Yes, not just dodgy, but thoroughly wrecked. Pecker cannot peck. And no more dalliances with any shiela. Sex is over. And its extremely doubtful any surgery is possible By Dr Lazarus, the doc who can raise Rodger from the dead. I have had so much radiation down below that any attempt to cut stuff up, chuck it into dish and install plastic plumbing pipes and valves could have me bleeding to death from radiation damaged tissue.

I darn well refuse to bleed to death just for the sake of love!

But if I did meet Madame Right, she'd be likely to have a few things that were dysfunctional, and we'd have to have a conversation about the sum total of just what bits still work, and maybe, between the two of us, if she could have an orgasm then I might offer the kiss of pleasure, the expert muff dive. During beginning of my distant past I soon realised that apart from saying nice things across the dinner table with a mouth, there was a necessary other way of using it, or else the lady just would not enjoy the ongoing process of ecstatic temporary pussy destruction. Its a job for a man to make it happen. Nice work if you can get it, that's what I thought.

I had one lady put a plate on the table, then sit on it facing me... "Here is your dessert Patrick" โ€ฆ. Hmmm......

What's the least said sentence in all languages of the world?

"Jus youse lie down 'ere luvvy, it won't cost yer anyfink"

But when I went for chemo, that's what a rotund lady nurse said that to me. "Oh really?" Well of course not. She dressed up in a becoming tasteful purple outfit, and sidled up to my recliner chair with a glee in her eye, and in went the canula and she followed with poison. Oh happy me!

No charge, Medicare paid for the lot.

Two things make life survivable, and perhaps worth continuing is a sense of humour, and to see wonderment around you.

And life is too short to be serious all the time.

Patrick Turner.

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to Patrick-Turner

Phew Patrick, what a journey for both you and willy. But hey canโ€™t argue with the fact that ADT does prolongs our lives at a certain opportunity cost though ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Take care and good dreams Bro


TFBUNDY profile image
TFBUNDY in reply to Haniff

I think ADT is inadequate for Patrick. He needs next gen BDT - Brain Deprivation Therapy. Poor old Mr Wobbly is taking too much punishment...

Muffin2019 profile image
Muffin2019 in reply to Patrick-Turner

If you have survived ten years and still going strong then enjoy life, sex is a state of mind. At that age we just enjoy life, there is so much more than to worry if Rodger can perform, at least you are alive, live on.

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to Muffin2019

Thanks Muffin2019

Will heed your advice Brother ๐Ÿ˜Ž

My very best to you


in reply to Patrick-Turner

What I like about you Patrick is that you tell it like it is .. . Iโ€™m very happy that you can ride your bike again. That โ€˜s great news . Take care

MMMayhem profile image

The biggest problem can be going too long without an erection can cause other problems. Not all your other Drs focused on fighting the cancer or even a lot of Uros are well versed enough on treating (and even pre-treating) the ED issues that go along the cancer treatment.

In my case I developed venous leakage and even with the pills couldn't maintain an erection. Had the same problem with the penile injections and in the end, I had a penile implant done this past December. Now that my T is recovering my libido is back, but even without libido the implant makes sex possible. Had my treatment/surgery done by Dr Mulhall at MSK. Even if you don't go to him for treatment, go to the MSK website and check out his videos and info. Their mens sexual health program that he runs is top notch.

Graham49 profile image

There is Vitaros topical cream which contains a vasodilator, apparently availailable on prescription in the UK. I am going to ask my consultant to prescribe it next visit. I don't think the FDA has approved it yet. I don't know how effective it is. I think I would prefer this to Trimix which I think is an injection in the penis.

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to Graham49

Hi Graham49

For sure I am not going to inject myself in the willy although I maybe silly and willy, myself at times.

My best to you.


EdinBmore profile image

Radiation, IMRT and brachy boost. Firmagon, 1 mo. Lupron, 9 mos. Poster child for side effects. Re sex. What's that? Zero interest. Force myself to watch porn, use pump and pills (part of a study regarding sexual rehab post PC treatment). Shrinkage, yes. Assume it's permanent. Hard on? Soft on. LOL Orgasm, yes, but, oh what a pitiful excuse for it. Obviously, no ejaculate. Sigh.

Btw, Lupron also screws with emotions (and many other things). Be prepared for emotional roller coaster. Keep telling yourself "it's the drug, it's the drug." Oh, and wt gain, loss of muscle mass, hot flashes, mood swings, potential BP and bone density issues, and so on.

Hope you're one of the lucky ones who weathers this well.

Good luck, man.


Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to EdinBmore

Thanks Mate

Keeping my fingers crossed. Going to try something for sure after reading all these fantastic replies ๐Ÿ˜„

My very best to you.


EdinBmore profile image
EdinBmore in reply to Haniff

And, more to your point: I've read and been told by docs that one can expect it to take 6-9 mos for these side effects to lessen (however, I think some are likely to be permanent - genital shrinkage for example and, FYI, a friend ended Lupron years ago and STILL has hot flashes). So, again, good luck to you and hope you do better than I have.


Hawk56 profile image

I did 18 months of ADT, never lost my libido but my penis and testicles shrunk to a pre-pubescent stage. I could have orgasms, never tried Cialis or Viagra in part because my wife has zero interest. Once I finished ADT and my T returned things became more normal, alas no change with my wife...

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to Hawk56

Hahaha Hawk56

Sometimes the hand we are dealt with never fails to astound me.

Take good care Sir


monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to Haniff

Depends on which hand you use.

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to monte1111


FCoffey profile image

I can tell you from personal experience that 20 mg of sildenafil (Viagra) every night prevents ED that otherwise follows ADT like night follows day.

The rest is mental, mostly up to you. The drug will prevent the physical damage to the penis, but to make it work you need the most important sex organ - the mind.

Good luck!

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to FCoffey

Thanks FCoffey

I am going to follow your advice Brother ๐Ÿ˜‰

My very best to you


FCoffey profile image
FCoffey in reply to Haniff

Do what you have to do. A muscle that isn't exercised will atrophy. Once the tissues that fill with blood to cause an erection atrophy, they are replaced by scar tissue. Scar tissue leaks, so at that point even Viagra isn't much help.

Take matters into your own hand if necessary. This workout is every bit as important as any exercise done at the gym. Both kinds of exercise are vital to surviving ADT.

It's not very expensive. The 20 mg sildenafil has been off patent for years. Insurance doesn't cover it, but a vial of 30 pills is $22 delivered to my door from Health Warehouse.

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to FCoffey


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to monte1111


Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to FCoffey

Gonna Oder me some from Amazon ๐Ÿ˜‰

westof profile image
westof in reply to FCoffey

Hmm... Started ADT 1 year ago. In March( before HDR Brachey), my MSK RO prescribed 20 mg of sildenafil and .4 mg of Flomax and also suggested that I try to masturbate.

I agree with FCoffey, it is a mental thing and so far, I have little interest (after having a great sex life with my wife of 48 years (and many ladies before)!

I have Anthem and I get sildenafil for $5. a month.

This post has inspired me. I bought a penis pump last month (gathering dust) and I might just give it a try.


Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to westof

Hi westof

Thanks for the update and my very best to you.

Good luck with the pump ๐Ÿ˜‰


monte1111 profile image

Out of curiosity looked up the Ericaid Esteem. Wow! Back in the day that would have bought about 20 ladies of the night. And I do agree, injections to the willy are silly. Enjoy, if you can.

j-o-h-n profile image

I used to get a hardon when I was in church.... now the only hardon in church is the guy with the collection plate....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 10/14/2019 5:32 PM DST

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to j-o-h-n

Hahaha j-o-h-n

Well a hardon anywhere is better than a dullone when most needed. Love your sense of the funnies.


j-o-h-n profile image

Thank you..... I try....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 10/14/2019 10:13 PM DST

dvcarola2 profile image
dvcarola2 in reply to j-o-h-n

Do or do not... There is no try... says Yoda ๐Ÿ˜

tallguy2 profile image

My experience is....forgetaboutit.

You just might be one of the lucky ones ... Sex or no sex love life and live well ..Take care ..... Scott

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