Is anyone useing these supplements? My naturopath recomends that i take it but i do have doubts. These are trace minerals right. Would love to hear what the supplement /PCa community has to say about this . Much appreciated and happy holidays!!!
zinc and selenium: Is anyone useing... - Advanced Prostate...
zinc and selenium

I ve supplemented zinc for 8 yrs now per my nat doc . It’s basic for pc ..✌️
Here is a nice summary of some of the most popular supplements.
We need zinc but selenium is a strong Antioxidant, so would not overdo that. I noticed it is sold together as a capsule or tablet form.
I supplement zinc, but only the get the recommended daily dose, not before. Before deciding in the dose I used CRONOMETER app to input my daily diet. It tells you, how much zinc, selenium, magnesium, calcium and so on you get from your diet. To close the gap for zinc I take supplements. I don’t take selenium because I read multiple times, that too much selenium can drives met growth.
Why does he want you to take them?Se in high amounts has been proven to harm or do nothing for PCa.
Zinc seems dangerous unless you know what you are doing. PCa uses zinc but an overload might be therapeutic. Where is the cutoff and are other therapies needed to synergize?
There is a lot of research by Prof L A Costello on zinc and zinc ionophores to help with it's utilisation. Zinc seems to be cytotoxic to prostate cancer cells. Around 50mg per day is required, better spread through the day or you will vomit.... Some research suggests that selenium can accelerate proliferation if you have prostate cancer, or help prevent the onset of prostate cancer if you do not have it....
got it . thanks
The SELECT trial proved that selenium could hasten progression.
Personally, I wouldn't take anything without asking for proof, reasons, blood tests and then verifying with my MO and primary doctor and NMD that it isn't harmful.
Cell studies have a 1 in 200 chancw of working in rodents. Something that works in rodents has a 1 in 200 chance of working in humans. So 1 in 40,000 cell studies pan out in the complex human body.
better safe then sorry, just the zinc, no selenium. All the comments in this thread are so helpful. .. Thank you!

I agree . Thanks.

If you take zinc bur not enough or with the right therapies or without the "right" PCa you can hasten progression.I have never seen any hard data showing how, when, and in what circumstances zinc is helpful.
Until then I view it as a risk I don't want to take. Perhaps as a hail Mary someday...
Thanks everyone . The naturapath reasons for me to use this product (Renoven 6mg ug of zinc and and 18 mg of selenium ) was to help my liver . When I got the product it was then that i saw what the ingredients fwere and had doubts . Thanks for the advice on zinc . I finished IMRT 6 months ago (with ADT)and my results are really good. The best thing I've done so far is excercise . PSA results from this month is ,020 ng mL I remember a reply from Tall Allen who basicly said you got great treatment don't mess with supplements to much. Happy New Years everyone!!
Thanks. Happy New Year to you.
I agree with TA to a degree. Supplements can do more harm than good. Best case they are little guns. Real therapies are big guns.
We need big guns to fight PCa.
I use a few supplements and at one time I used a couple of dozen. My kidneys started failing. Very sudden and severe and my doctor was quite concerned. I stopped most of the supplements and my kidneys went back to 100%. Also my liver enzymes have decreased.
ask your doctor to add selenium level to next blood draw. If it is low, then supplementing appears to be slightly beneficial. If normal to high, supplementing it appears harmful. I just take a basic multi vitamin and mineral tablet a few times per week (Kirkland from Costco). Covers these and more. Just insurance for me as I frequently fast. Not harmful.