I have been getting up to use the bathroom about every 2 hours or so for many years. The need to go has always wakened me and I had always been able to get to the bathroom in time. Lately however I have slept through the initial urge and have not wakened in time. In other words, I have wet the bed. The problem is only occasional and only recent (last few months). Coincidentally it began about the time i switched from Nubequa to Zytiga. I seem to sleep more deeply on the Zytiga and dream more. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
bladder control: I have been getting up... - Advanced Prostate...
bladder control

Zytiga activates GABAA, whereas Nubeqa doesn't. GABAA promotes sleep (it is the target of sedative benzodiazepines). Maybe try restricting fluids at night, especially caffeinated, fruit juices, and alcohol.
Not a direct comment, but when I started Abiraterone it was like someone turned on a faucet. Took a good couple of months after that to get back in control.
Zytiga causes an increase in urinary frequency and nocturia.
Perhaps using a depend diaper when going to bed may reduce anxiety and stress about bed wetting.
Yep, same here. Many nights I dream that I have to pee but can't find a toilet. One night I guess I found the toilet in my dream and let loose. What a mess.
Bought adult diapers the next day and wore them at night. After a month of no more bed wetting I quit wearing them. About 2 weeks later I wet the bed again, so I wear them every night. I can wear the same one over and over as long as I don't leak.
BTW, my uro prescribed merbetriq and I don't have to get up as much. It relaxes the muscle around the bladder.
I've had the same problem for years and decided to get a urinal so I don't have to get out of bed I can just roll over in urinate in urinal and I don't completely wake up
Sounds like your prostate area is enlarged or maybe inflamed, or, scar tissue, and clamping down on the urethra and not letting you void. Eventually this will affect the kidneys...... Try this.,,, take a hot Sitz Bath right before you go to bed; relax and pee away. It won’t hurt you. Think about the old boys camp trick of placing your tent mates hand in warm water to watch him wet the bed....,
After Brachytherapy and IMRT I would take 5 or 6 baths a day for this purpose. Damn sight better than catherization. After 19 years I still take...... Good luck. Saving this, it’s time to discuss with your Urologist.
Does it matter what time of day Zytiga is taken, with respect to night time "accidents"?
I usually take the Zytiga just before bedtime due to the eating restrictions both before and after. On a few occasions I have taken them midafternoon if my meal schedule permitted. Because the midday Zytiga has been a infrequent event I can't correlate my nighttime urination with the time of drug intake.