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Advance prostate cancer metastasis to lung and lymph nodes

ChrissySacc1981 profile image
16 Replies

Dear all,

My husband been diagnose with advance prostate cancer metastasis to his lung and lymph nodes, he's been on lupron injection since last September, his PSA levels is been dropped from 10 until below 3 for this month, with all PSMA PET SCAN, MRI, BIOPSI, on his lungs, it confirm that his prostate cancer is go to his lung lymph nodes, but now we moved to Washington DC, we need to find the new doctor to continue his treatment, his doctor tell me that there's a treatment for his condition, maybe pills or I don't know which treatment he will receive next, but I am looking forward to hear any suggestion which doctor in Washington DC that we can make appointment with.

Thank you in advance.


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ChrissySacc1981 profile image
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16 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

There are several top notch medical oncologists at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore - Michael Carducci, Sam Denmeade , Mario Eisenberger, Ken Pienta.

ChrissySacc1981 profile image
ChrissySacc1981 in reply to Tall_Allen

Thank you for the information, I will try to call them to make an appointment.

Really appreciated.

dadsdrdawn profile image
dadsdrdawn in reply to Tall_Allen

Tall_Allen - THANK YOU FOR YOUR CARE AND WILLINGNESS TO GIVE TO THIS GROUP. YOU GAVE ME A NAME AND # OF SOMEONE IN TROY, MICHIGAN AND MY 87 YEAR YOUNG FATHER STARTS TREATMENT WITH THEM IN 2 WEEKS. (after being turned down from other treatments with advanced PC in his bones, lymph and spine.

BUT - he has the will to keep living a vital life as he has for 16 years with advanced cancer!

May YOUR life be filled with happiness, and I pray that you are always surrounded by the love that you give to others!

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to dadsdrdawn

I hope it works for him.

cesces profile image

Lymph nodes are common.

To my understanding invasion of the lungs is uncommon. Soft tissue is generally uncommon.

If you post more background info, I am certain that you will get more feedback.

ChrissySacc1981 profile image
ChrissySacc1981 in reply to cesces

Actually when we're in Thailand his previous doctor found lung nodules in both of his lungs, and he's diagnose with advance prostate cancer after biopsy on his prostate, they ask him to do all the test and they can't do biopsy on his lungs even after they put him to sleep with three dose of anesthesia than the normal dosage because he keep moving around, we have no insurance at that time we lost our jobs because of covid, but the strange things is his doctor refuse to give him any medication for his prostate cancer, because he asking him still to do more test or he have to go back to the States. Finally after the first visit in the States his urologist give him Lupron injection, that's the first thing he do to him. His last visit is last 15th November to do Biopsy on his lungs, hes doctor called me and confirm that his prostate cancer is all over lymph nodes on his lungs, When I asked him is there's treatment or operation, he said there's treatment or pills for him, I just need to find the new doctor and make appointment for him, to see what is the next step.

Even his doctor before his biopsy on his lungs not so sure what is in his lungs, he afraid if that will be lung cancer (He's previously a heavy smoker), beside his advance prostate cancer he have underlying condition for diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver and cataract (he do cataract surgery the 16th of November), and everything is under control with daily medication, plus he need to use catheter to help him urinated, his doctor suggested to do operation to help him open the bladder, because his prostate is preventing him to urinated, one day we try without catheter, and at 2am we have to go to Emergency room because he's in so much pain, he can't go to urinated all day, so.. yes, operation is the only option for him if he want to have normal urinated (I am sorry my english is not good, it's not my first language, please bear with me, and thank you!).

cesces profile image

I would get opinions from multiple docs.

Denmeade is most famous for bipolar androgen therapy.

ChrissySacc1981 profile image
ChrissySacc1981 in reply to cesces

I will try to mention that with his new doctor, and asking for his opinions, Really appreciated for your input.

GP24 profile image

I would suggest a chemo therapy. Lung mets often respond well to a chemo.

ChrissySacc1981 profile image
ChrissySacc1981 in reply to GP24

is there any side effects for chemo therapy?

GP24 profile image
GP24 in reply to ChrissySacc1981

Yes, there are. But your husband has very advanced prostate cancer and will have to accept side effects to live longer. Discuss this with his new doctor.

ChrissySacc1981 profile image
ChrissySacc1981 in reply to GP24

I will, thanks.

If he need to do his Chemo, did he need to wait for his PSA level below 1, or he can do it anytime if his new doctor suggested?.

GP24 profile image
GP24 in reply to ChrissySacc1981

He can get the chemo any time, it does not depend on the PSA value. Ask the doctor if your husband can get the chemo in two-week intervals with reduced dose instead of the usual three-week intervals. This causes lower side effects.

ChrissySacc1981 profile image
ChrissySacc1981 in reply to GP24

I will try to discuss that with his new doctor, thank you so much for your input.

MichaelDD profile image

I am a rare one who has metastasis to my lungs only. Found during the UCSF trials for the PSMA GA 68 scan. People will be asking are you sure its APC. I have one of the best oncologists here on the West Coast overlooking my treatments. Do what Allen has recommended and is find an oncologist that he recommends. He knows my UCSF oncologist (one of two for me), and that you find somebody who understands what's happening here. People always question are you sure this is cancer on the lungs is from prostate? Mine was part of the scan group that showed it is. My PSA dropped incredibly after I started lupron and zytiga. I am 4 years into my metastasis. Treatments, scans and other trials are really stepping up at this time. Stay positive and get to one of those oncologists. For me it's a lot of scans and blood work. In fact I see my local oncologist today to discuss my PSA and the side effects of other things. It's one day at a time.

ChrissySacc1981 profile image
ChrissySacc1981 in reply to MichaelDD

Thank you for the input, I will follow what Allan suggested, and keep posting.

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