Is it common to have iron deficiency as a result of low testosterone? Is it unharmful to take iron supplements?
Iron deficiency : Is it common to have... - Advanced Prostate...
Iron deficiency

Yes, low testosterone can depress red blood cell formation. But iron supplements won't help and may be toxic.
The anemia caused by castration is not due to iron deficiency. The red blood cells have a normal hemoglobin content and normal size.
Iron supplements may be toxic.
I’ve had 3 T for seven years but not low iron . And I’m 95% vegan .
My red and white blood cells have still not recovered from the chemo I had some two years ago. I tried iron tablets but they made me ill after a few days so I stopped taking them.
maybe a year ago, my blood tested low for iron. Oncologist prescribed a supplement (Vitron), with which I have had no problems.......................... BTW, I'm a vegan and a non drinker.
I am anemic but also have low iron. Tried two different iron supplements and they did absolutely nothing, waste of money. Iron infusion once brought my iron and hemoglobin back into normal range but only temporarily. While Iron is still low, other iron panel numbers are good so we will wait and see what it does in future.
Eat Cheerios or other cereals. Do a google search of iron content in cereals and pick one. They are LOADED with iron. Cheerios has 12.7 mg of iron for 1.5 cups. Thats a LOT compared to say 6oz of beef has 4.4 mg.
Shortly after my EBRT ended, my medical oncologist said I was a bit anemic probably because of EBRT. I have since made a point of eating a couple dates (fruits of the palm tree) and tablespoons of black strap molasses every week and at my recent post-EBRT checkup no mention was made of anemia.
I also became anemic after EBRT. I supplemented with Floradix with excellent results. Available on Amazon.
Interestingly, blood type can have an impact on anemia. I was born slightly anemic and have had a tendency to be anemic all of my life. It is partly attributed to blood type - I have AB+, a very rare type of blood. It has been shown that AB blood types produce lower amounts of stomach acid - leads to lower absorption of some nutrients. I was concerned with my numbers so my oncologist drilled down and said I am fine. Although it is a regular part of my blood tests. As well I have to keep a closer look at vitamin B12. Yes, ADT can lead to some numbers appearing to be anemia, it takes a closer look at various numbers to conclude if it is the ADT, diet or just a normal state for you. What appeared as anemia to me is not, and I have tolerated the treatment well. It is important to get enough protein and iron from various sources. Supplements should only be taken if a Dr. orders it - iron toxicity is very bad for the heart.