Had my first Zometa infusion on Wednesday this week. Felt fine all day and evening, but the following day I felt like I had been hit by a truck - muscle and bone pain all over and extreme fatigue. Today, Friday same SE but not as severe. Are these SE common?
First Zometa: Had my first Zometa... - Advanced Prostate...
First Zometa

Yes, those are common. Your doctor may advise Tylenol (not NSAIDs which are too hard on the kidneys). Some report relief with Claritin, but ask your doctor.
Had also my Zometa infusion on Wednesday,they give it to me every 3 months. And I know the days after the fatigue will be hectic. Sometimes bone pain but not always.
yep , it’s common. I got my 48th consecutive Zometa infusion last Thursday…. I call it the Zometa pain train. It hits different people differently. It kicks my hind end every time I get the infusion, but I know it’s important and I want it, no matter what.
Drink plenty ( lots ) of those sports drinks to get the Zometa to pass out as quickly as possible. I start drinking those on the way out of the building after the infusion. Also load up on OTC antihistamines , I use chlorpheniramine. Do this a few hours before the infusion. It will help with the heavy flu like SEs. I experience severe SEs and I also use my daily pain meds …oncologist told me to pre-load on those before the infusion for a better experience. Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. If you get to the 2nd level of SEs , like intense bone rattling ( hot shower -bath or jump into jacuzzi ) chills or others like trouble breathing ( I use an inexpensive finger oximeter + Xanax to quieten the panic attack and canned sports oxygen from Amazon ). My SEs last 5-8 days , but there are major variations on this. Some comeback in two weeks , some shorter-milder etc. . Zometa or similar drugs are important for guys like us that have major met bone damage . Good stuff. My two cents worth, just IMHO.
Just say’in ❤️❤️❤️
If you are having such reactions to Zometa, have you thought about using denosumab instead? I had a big reaction like you to my first Zometa infusion and switched and have almost no side effects.
I did ask that of my first oncologist and again with his replacement. Makes sense to me. Interestingly, both of them were of the same mind. It’s the ole “ if it’s working , don’t fix it “ …. Don’t rock the boat. Both say I’ve had an unexpectedly successful response to Lupron Xtandi Zometa. They are totally reluctant to change anything. They both encourage me to work thru the SEs if I can ( pain mgt crew makes that easy ) . I’ve made workarounds for all my difficult parts and things are pretty good after I get a handle on it. They did change me, starting now, from monthly Zometa to quarterly Zometa… they think my health and mental will improve a lot if I’m not beat down every three weeks. This will be the first Christmas in 4 years where I won’t be Lupron - Zometa sick. I’m stoked yayahahahaya.
Thanks for all the support. I appreciate your help. By this afternoon, 24 hours after the worst of the pain and fatigue I was feeling quite well. Thanks again!
My husband had monthly infusions and we weren't sure if the side effects he went through were different every month. He never knew if it was just a side effect or the cancer cranking up again. The good news is that his Dexiscan a few months ago was very good. He doesn't take calcium and his diet isn't loaded with calcium. So, the Zometa must have worked. 18 years since diagnosis.