The RO - Dr. Mariscal, whom I met a few years ago at a ZERO 5k in Bakersfield, wants an MRI guided biopsy first. Then he can see if there's anything actionable🤔
I then went up to the chemo floor and was able to get seen an hour 1/2 earlier. So, depending on when I can get that biopsy, the radiation may not happen till next year.
I lucked out again cuz they put me into a chemo suite again. "Movin' on up to the Eastside"
Chemo went well, the actual input takes an hour. Yes, I did squats, leg lifts, scissor kicks, and I also danced to : The nurses said they dug my music
I took a 5k hike tonight for the Lil Great Wall virtual walk and that sky was gorgeous. Was better in person
QoL can be just right outside your door
Fight on y'all
Mahalo - Randy