So my CBC is back 1 week post 1st Docetaxel chemo. My WBC is 0.8 (normal range is 3.4 - 10.8) and Neutrophils (absolute) is 0.1 (normal is 1.4 - 7). Waiting to hear from M.D. but are these numbers a source for worry? No fever or any issues.
Neutropenia after 1st chemo - Advanced Prostate...
Neutropenia after 1st chemo

Did you have Neulasta?
No, they couldn't get the insurance worked out and MD said I should be OK. Obviously not. Also have thrush, but feel OK, save for sore mouth. Taking my temp. every few hours and new CBC next week on Wed. Going into next chemo, I want to see the insurance approval for Neulasta with my own eyes before they hook me up.
What day in the cycle (days after infusion) did you have the blood test done? I believe Neutrophil count nadir is around 7 days with Docetaxel and then they start to recover. Definitely want to get Neulasta, but if you can't hopefully the counts will recover by your next test.
day 8
You are doing the right thing keeping a close eye on your body temperature. I had one time during chemotherapy where I hit 100.4 and had to make a trip in to the ER (that's where they told me to go). They checked me out and everything was good. My temperature came down and they sent me home. Hoping everything is going to be OK.🤞
From my husbands experience, no fever is good. His first round we went out, visiting people soon after, trying to be “ normal” that evening he had a greater than 38 temp meaning get to hospital asap.His next round we were more careful, and it was good.
My husband had his 2nd Docetaxel infusion yesterday. He was sent home with Prednisolone and 5 little tummy injections (to boost the immune system) after the first infusion three weeks ago. They did not check blood until a few days before this infusion and his WBC was 5.1 and neutrophils 3.75, both better than in a long time. We are in the UK. It is another matter that his PSA did not decrease after that infusion. Now waiting for the next test in about 2.75 weeks' time. We came home with the same meds again this time.
doctor = rot doc
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 07/09/2022 7:03 PM DST
How did you resolve the .1 neutrophil level? That sounds dangerously low. Mine is 1.0, as of a few days ago but I'm not doing chemo. Maybe from the flu. Did they give you something to raise the blood counts?