Been on zytiga 500gm with 5gm prednisone daily for past 15 months together with 3monthly Hormone injections PSA reduced to 0.01 > for a year with monthly blood tests this being the situation I have not seen oncologist for a year just appointment call every 3 months from a pharmacist connected with oncologist last call I stated that back and leg pain had increased she stated that I could be getting signs of thinning of the bones with the medication I’m on so now I’m prescribed alendronic acid tablets once a week with extra calcium tablet daily any others found this situation has arisen !! Thanx
Osteoporosis symptoms with zytiga and... - Advanced Prostate...
Osteoporosis symptoms with zytiga and prednisone

Ask your remote Onco to order a bone density scan (DEXA scan) to know your T Score at this time so you can compare later if alendronate is working well . Its a good news that you are being prescribed alendronate which is certainly going to increase bone density and reduce fracture risk. If you add Turmeric (Curcumin), it will potentiate the med and further increase bone density.
Hey Chrisbaird. I definitely agree with LearnAll the dexa scan. After two years of dexa scans showing increases osteopenia I got on alendronate 2.5 years ago. Since then (I’m on your same regimen), my bones have increased density in my spine and femur and the loss has halted in my pelvis. Keep it up! ✌️ DougNOLA.
Thanx dougnola you both have given me advise and reassurance to ask for decaf scan when I can .. thanx
I am on the same regimen and time-frame. had a bone Density test at start of taking the drugs and it was fine. Seeing MO tomorrow will ask.
You should have been given or at least suggested a dexa scan 15 months ago when you began, but it doesn’t happen much.
If you do have bone density issues it’s likely the ADT not the Zytiga. You can check for vitamin D and calcium deficiency if you don’t want to just add those as is often prescribed. Unless you are actually deficient there’s no reason to take them.
Many say denosumab is a better choice if you use a drug, I don’t know anything about this.
How much exercise do you do and what kind?
I had a bone scan sept 20 saying no cells effecting the bones but will take on board the comments folks have related to me over this question I had asked I walk usually about a mile a day with a stick for support but unable to jog or any other exercises. Thanx London441
As London441 says, timely testing does not happen much. My docs of good repute did not give me a Dexa scan until 6 months after starting ADT + Abi+ Prednisone. When they finally did, it showed osteopenia in the lumbar spine. They still gave me no bone strengthener, and I was too uninformed to press the issue. Bastards. I suffered a collapsed vertebrae on an easy exercise in March. Now I am on denosumab (Prolia), which they say is the best option now.
Bone scan and dexa scan are not the same thing. Dexa scan measures your body composition, bone scan is a different tool.
Why are you unable to do any exercise except walking with a stick?
Ok I understand difference in dex scan now. I’ll speak to my pharmacist oncologist about the scan. as I have one leg shorter it was developed into trapped vertebrae and pelvic bone out of position only found this out 3 years ago after being at spinal clinic and chiropractor now have a raised insole in shoe to ease the vertebrae pain
I'm sorry for your leg and spine troubles. However, these drugs are killers of both bone density and muscle mass. Try to find a way around your condition to swim, bike, lift weights whatever you can. Your stick aided mile walks alone, even with supplementation, are not nearly enough.
My sweetie is on 1000mg of Zytiga and 10 mg of prednisone daily. The prednisone can be part of your problem, too.
Even before these drugs he has been on Prolia injections 💉 every month. He is due for a dexa checkup soon so we'll find out how he is doing.
As the others have said, it is great you are on something now to help you out. Best of luck.
Hi Chrisbaird,
My dad is on the totally same regimen as you, he did a bone density scan recently 3 months ago. The doctor said everything is alright, but he does have some pain once in a while. Hope it helps!