Good question?
Makes Sense To Me: Good question? - Advanced Prostate...
Makes Sense To Me

Ronron, which drug ? Lupron? Mabuhai amiga!

Or Xtani...etc.

All of that shit! I am using ONLY a natural hormone...E2.
Can you buy that over the counter?
We can here in Thailand; however, the US pharmaceutical companies (and probably many of the doctors) wouldn't want to allow something that costs $25/month, and requires no doctor visits to replace the nasty $2000/month Lupron injections! And it does the same thing without the all too common side effects. I've been using it for four years now and love it! It's the only thing that hasn't failed me...RP was a failure, as was the worthless lymphadenectomy and the unnecessary nephrectomy. Richard Wassersug has been using it for over 20 years and still has an undetectable PSA. My PSAs have also been undetectable since 10/2018.
Hi ronron, sooooo true 😂
Hi Phil, Wishing you the best in this crazy battle that we all are fighting!
Thanks ronron, at this very moment I am sitting waiting for my “ C “ jab 💪. Take care, Phil
I clicked 'LIKE' since there is no appropriate icon, but hope it won't be too painful!
Lol... The cure is often worse than the disease!
Or so it's thought ...
I injured my lower back a couple of years ago and have had steroid spinal injections which helped for a while; however, a month ago I purchased an inversion bench on our Thai website (similar to Amazon) for an incredible price of $87 delivered from Bangkok to my condo (distance about 90 miles) and my back pain is GONE!
Dammed if we do? 😂✌️
Is all good, and can be taken in an amusing context.
I survived Docetaxel, and it kicks some posterior... Let me tell you...
But my PCa was so afraid of it, that it too headed for the hills... and hasn't been seen since!
Let that SOB stay in the hills forever ,never to return to you! 👏👏👏👍😎
32 pages is just the legalise to protect them from law suits.........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 04/07/2022 6:11 PM DST
Some people apparently sue the drug company for the drug causing the problem that they take the drug for in the first place. I often notice that in the warnings the symptoms of the actual problem are listed as a side effect of the drug.
The Urologist prescribed Finasteride right away at my metastasized dx.
When I saw my MO I pointed out to her that one of the side effects listed for Finasteride is "an aggressive form of prostate cancer".
She said "you already have it". lol. kind of .
You should have mentioned that you knew it was aggressive since originally you began your aggressiveness in your mother's womb.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/08/2022 12:57 PM DST
Funny. But
Mellow Yellow........... I tried using that as an excuse to get out of being drafted..... but the interviewing sergeant was a smart ass and assigned me as a member of the submarine crew the "Yellow Submarine".....(try to up that one!!!)....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/08/2022 2:11 PM DST
Where can it be purchased. Under what name/Brand.