Had a bone density scan and it shows me with osteopenia. My MO wants me to start either Prolia or Zometa. He said do some research and let him know. From what I read I am leaning toward Zometa. Anyone firsthand knowledge?
Prolia or Zometa: Had a bone density... - Advanced Prostate...
Prolia or Zometa

Before deciding I would make a density test plus a fracture probability test. Here is e.g. my result:
The 10 year probability for a lumbar spine fracture is 10.6% and for a hip fracture 5.1%.
I decided against both medications as they have major side effects, details you can find in the internet.
You can do a lot by supplementing calcium and vitamin D3, proper diet and especially exercising including weight lifting. Strong muscles stimulate the bones.
Neither, if you are not castration resistant. Side effects increase with time spent on them. You may want to fill this out:
Try to improve your bone mineral density with intensive weight bearing exercise (with doctor's permission).
If that's not enough, try a lighter-duty bisphosphonate like alendronate. If you've been taking Vitamin D supplements when your serum Vitamin D is normal, stop - it demineralizes your bones. And don't take calcium supplements unless your serum levels are too low. Calcium supplementation is associated with worsening prostate cancer, heart disease, and kidney problems.
Thats amazing. Every practioner since pc was diagnosed has pushed at least 1000mg cacium daily and overdoses of D3. I use alendronate.
I have been on xgeva (Prolia) for 3 years. No problems.
Thanks for the calculator My results 15/4.8
On Zometa for a year and CR for 2 years. Started when BCR was treated with Radiation Therapy at Dr's recommendation. No side effects that I can notice to this pt. Second RT finished last week and Xofigo started yesterday..... Best of luck to you either way....
There’s been a lot of Zometa pain train talk on the group. You can use the search feature and type in” Zometa pain “ to take a look at some of the discussions ( more than 500 ). I’m going to board the Zometa pain train, myself, this morning. My 44th consecutive monthly ride. Lotsa people have little to no SEs with Zometa and others ( me ) have strongly negative SEs for 8-10 days after the infusion. I don’t know much about prolix but IMHO , maybe I’d choose prolia , first, over Zometa. Just my own take on things.
I’m no medical doctor and always go with your medical cancer team’s suggestions first and foremost. P.s. … the other help posted here is first rate .
Hello, I have been on a maintenance dose of Prolia for eight years and ten months with no side effects. When I had to make that choice in 2013, I was offered both options but chose Prolia for a number of reasons. First: Prolia and Zometa have different mechanisms of action . Prolia is a monoclonal antibody and Zometa (Zoledronic Acid) is a bisphosphonate. Second: My oncologist suggested Prolia was a little easier on your kidneys and did not require as much monitoring of kidney function. Third: Prolia is better at reducing the risk of a skeletal related event. As you probably know bones are constantly regenerating themselves. Osteoblasts build new bone and osteoclasts tear down old bone. Prolia (aka Xgeva) is a RANKL inhibitor. It enhances osteoblasts and thereby makes your bones thicker. Hope that helps!
Mine said osteopenia. I got 6 month prolia shots for 2 years. Next scan showed density normal so the took me off it.
Here is a link I’ve saved that seemed to address your question and many others. urotoday.com/journal/everyd...
My doc "pushed" Prolia. I asked to see the report. Dx was osteopenia with 6% probability of osteoporosis over 10 yrs. I took the report to primary care doc. "Don't do it," said he. After doing a little research on it's side effects...um, no thank you. And, Tall_Allen is spot on, btw.
Your MO wants YOU to do some research? Oy vey!
in all fairness to my MO he knows that I am not in tune with SOC. 150 mg Casodex, estrogen patch, one abiraterone with food, None prescribed by him. in our discussion of where we go from here, He actually suggested an orchiectomy. That from an MO, interesting?
I don't know where you are in your treatment plan but I am at a relative beginning. My Dexa showed Osteopenia and my MO recommended I not do anything yet. Learnall has a nomogram on a post here that you can enter your test results. Mine is mild and only in my femoral necks. Based on the nomogram my chance of fracture is under like 5% at age 85. If you add more info here and into your profile about where you have been and are with treatment/s you may here from others responses for very close comparisons. Still not something you should make decisions on solely but it might help. We are all the same but all very different on how we respond to the disease and treatments. Best of luck to your and yours.
Prolia and Zometa belong to different drug classes. Prolia is a monoclonal antibody and Zometa is a bisphosphonate. Zometa increase bone mass in men with osteoporosis. So it will be a better choice for you.