It’s been 1 year and a month since losingDaddy. I just couldn’t post this until now. This is a short version of his last few months of the fight.
After my Dad received a neuphrostomy in 9/2020 and a spinal block for neck pain, he started to deteriorate in October 2020. Duke Oncoligist didn’t decide to do immunotherapy until November 2, 2020 and by then Dad was weak. He went without any treatment the month of October.
My dad received 1 immunology treatment at Duke on 11/2/20. He went downhill after that treatment and into a fetal position and not responding on 11/4/20. Called 911. ER docs thought he may have fallen because they saw blood on brain in CT scan. First time my Dad was ever in an ER for anything his whole life! He was transported directly to Duke to the Head trauma floor where they found that it was not a brain bleed but spinal fluid leak. It turned out not to be a leak but for some reason he started producing an excess of spinal fluid (never found a why) He was in hospital for 19 days, and dozens and dozens of scans, MRI’s, you name it. Only 1 person allowed to visit. I was with him everyday all day until the nurses kicked me out every night. Staying at a hotel across the street from the hospital with my Mom. Very hard times I can’t even begin to explain. As soon as they would drain fluid off my dad’s brain he was his old self, laughing and joking and awesome as usual. Docs ended up inserting 2 permanent shunts in his skull and internal drains. He was discharged for home a few days before Thanksgiving. Dad was no longer able to receive treatments. He was a trooper throughout this horrible disease. We all took care of Dad at home. No hospice. Only home health(Dads and Mom’s wishes) It was a hard 3 weeks but he was home with family and he passed away on 12/15/2020 with all immediate family by his side. All the grands were there too and he was a trooper to the end talking in his right mind and told us to meet him in heaven that we knew how to get there (John 3:16). He saw something amazing as he looked at us all and smiled and drew his last breath. I imagine it was angels, his loved ones gone on before him and that place called heaven he always talked about.
Just wanted to let you all know
I just couldn’t write this until now. Too hard. Too great of a loss and too hard of a fight.
God bless each and every man in this battle as well as their families who are fighting for them. My Dad loved the info from this great group of people at HU. Thank you! May God bless each one of you. Love, Kim