I had 42 sessions of radiation 3 years ago, 28 on the whole pelvic area and 14 to fry my prostate. For a long time I’ve had to urinate every two hours at night. Now I’ve started having frequent urination during the day, sometimes several times an hour. This is accompanied by urgency which can result in leaking if not promptly acted on. I can’t get in to see a urologist until January, so I’m asking for your experiences with diagnosis and treatment of this problem. Thanks.
Frequent urination and urgency - Advanced Prostate...
Frequent urination and urgency

They usually prescribe an alpha blocker like Flomax or Rapaflo. If you email your RO, you can tell him you are having "late-term urinary retention" and ask him to call in an Rx for Flomax. Hopefully, it will be temporary and the drug will keep you flowing normally.
I just keep my fly down and my shirt untucked. I live in a rural location so I can usually pee anywhere but gotta get the shrunken little member out real fast some times. In the car I have a milk bottle urinal. At night one by the bed. Although you do not have a painful UTI you might have a chronic infection. Might try cranberry juice or other similar things that smooth out your urinary tract. I have a full time UTI managed by Methenamine Hippurat sort of an antibiotic but not. Indian Warrior (pedicularis abundaflora) works sort of like flomax. Hard to find, however.
Join the club, I’ve become very good at sneaking a pee, I also keep an empty jug in the car in case I need to pull over and take a leak. You become very adept after a while. And hey, ya gotta go, you gotta go.
Remember we don't want to take a leak, we want to leave it.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 12/02/2021 8:15 PM EST
I was having the same problem and my urologist said they were having some good success with Gemtesa (vibegron) tablets. He gave me samples that will cover 4 weeks. I am on my third week, and it does work for me. It is not perfect yet, but has made a big improvement. I am also on Venlafaxine (37.5 mg) for hot flashes and that helped as well, although not completely. My MO, Dr. Rettig VA/UCLA, said to try doubling the does to 75 mg and see how that works. It has also helped my mood. Good luck.
To save yourself some embarrassment, double up on depends during the day, have fresh ones ready for replacement. And remember we don't want to take a leak, we want to leave it.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 12/02/2021 8:14 PM EST