About 12 years post RP I began having incontinence issues which totally changed my OOL. Diapers are expensive in Thailand plus the fact that your entire bottom gets wet. I came up with this simple, inexpensive way of dealing with my problem. I just wrap the little guy up in a couple of paper towels and cover them with a shortened sanitary napkin bag secured with a few 'small' rubber bands. Obviously they don't hold as much urine as diapers do which does require changing more often. I found that 'Puffs' paper towels are the best. The strange thing is that I can go seven hours at night without a pitstop and the towels are still dry.
Something that I just COULDN'T conceive of being without is Thailand's extremely common alternative to a bidet. My commodes have separate supply valves for these sprayers; however, a T and valve can be added to the existing single commode supply valve. After getting used to cleaning my bottom with this simple sprayer, I can't use a commode without it! I don't know how I ever survived for 61 years in America using TP?
If I ever go back the US for a visit, I will probably have an AUS installed. Medicare pays for nothing outside of the US and I have no insurance here.