Zytiga and Prednisone at night - Advanced Prostate...

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Zytiga and Prednisone at night

Blucher profile image
44 Replies

My husband has prostate stage four cancer. The cancer pills make him very tired with not much energy. Is it ok for him to be taking his Zytiga and Prednisone at night instead of the morning? Hoping to have more energy during the day.

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Blucher profile image
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44 Replies
bean1008 profile image

I was told to take mine in the morning at least one hour before breakfast. I think my fatigue is caused by the Lupron shot…not necessarily the Zytiga.

Best wishes!

Tall_Allen profile image

Prednisone at night will keep him up all night and make him more fatigued. He can take Zytiga whenever there's no food in his stomach.

spencoid2 profile image
spencoid2 in reply to Tall_Allen

my prescription is for 5 mg twice a day, is that part of the reason i get almost no sleep even when not in pain. should i take 10 mg in the morning? or should i ask my oncologist?

and oops i missed the take with food. what horrible side effects have i been forcing on myself by not taking it with food?

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to spencoid2

Take them both by noon.

spencoid2 profile image
spencoid2 in reply to Tall_Allen

will do. now i need to get a 5 compartment per day pill container(need to take pred with food so can't take it with aberaterone). might be a fun CNC project. now vaguely serious. i am pretty good at programming Arduino for various machine control projects. when my Mother was having difficulty with her meds (which eventually was the reason she had to move to assisted living) i thought about making a very sophisticated pill dispenser. It could notify your phone, for example and dispense whatever combination of pills was needed at any time. should i put this on my bucket list? Usually when i think of stuff like this it takes 5 to 10 years and someone makes a fortune on it. That was years ago so maybe it has already been done?

MrTeebs profile image
MrTeebs in reply to Tall_Allen

I take Zytigia around 11 a.m., then 10 mg of Prednisone a couple of hours later with food, and also take Casodex 50 mg at the same time, hot flashes are hot cold hot cold etc. And I don’t sleep very good at all. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I’ve been on this since October 2020

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to MrTeebs

Estrogen patches for the hot flashes (or Megace or venlafaxine). Acupuncture worked for a couple of guys I know.

MrTeebs profile image
MrTeebs in reply to Tall_Allen

Thank you Megace makes the hot flashes worse for me

MrTeebs profile image
MrTeebs in reply to MrTeebs

Now my lower jaw has been sore, aches etc for the past two weeks and my doctor said , can you chew, and then said talk to your primary or we stop Xgeva for now

MrTeebs profile image
MrTeebs in reply to Tall_Allen

What do you think about stopping Xgeva for awhile because of my throat and jaw pain? That’s what my dr recommended

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to MrTeebs

Why do you doubt that?

MrTeebs profile image
MrTeebs in reply to Tall_Allen

Just wanted to know your opinion that’s all sorry to bother you

FourString profile image

I’m in the same boat (Meds/condition) as your husband. I take all of my Zytiga/Prednisone in the evening with food. My onc recommended.

It's best to take the steroid in the morning since that's the time your body naturally would produce them. They can get you a bit "wired" so taking them at night can keep you awake.

I take the Zytiga at night to try to minimze the daytime fatigue. Not sure that works, but I figure it gives me the best possibility.

Harrisonhoyle profile image
Harrisonhoyle in reply to

I do the same as gregg57. Initially I was taking everyone at once in the evening but could not sleep. Switching just the prednisone to the morning changed that and I sleep better now.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

I do the same as well, Zytiga approx 5 am and prednisone when I wake with breakfast. It has been working well for me and my body is tuned to wake at 5 a.m. now. I don't have trouble sleeping unless I have something on my mind or don't exercise enough.

tallguy2 profile image

I take Zytiga at 2-3 am when I wake up anyway to urinate. My stomach is empty as is required. No delays for meals during the day.

The prednisone must be taken with food. I take mine with breakfast.

Best wishes!

dougnola profile image
dougnola in reply to tallguy2

I do exactly what talllguy2 does. Ensures completely fasting for Zytiga and then prednisone doesn’t make you sleepless. I recommend having the daily Zytiga dose in pillbox or any other dispenser that’s not straight from the bottle. After several years, it’s useful for me to make sure I’ve taken my daily dose, particularly since I’m foggier in the middle of the night.

Turt713171 profile image
Turt713171 in reply to tallguy2

I as well

RickBulldog profile image

He can try it.It doesn’t matter what time he takes them as long as he does

meteghan profile image

I take my 750 mg with breakfast which consist of oatmeal mixed with yogourt and coconut oil for the fat. Two hours later I take 5mg of prednisone with food.

Mascouche profile image

I take Zitiga upon waking up. I take one prednisone pill after breakfast and 1 prednisone pill after supper.

Cmdrdata profile image

Have been on Zytiga/AA + 5mg prednisone for 33 months. Always in the morning immediately after waking up. I had one 3-moth depot of Lupron 1 month before starting Z, PSA stays at <0.1 and T at castrate level up till now. No additional Lupron since then.. The worse SEs are still hot flash and high BP, systolic in the 150 range.

jedgar1 profile image

I recently changed from Prednisone to Dexamethasone and added 10 MG Adderall to combat the tired times and the Adderal helps me with the brain fog and staying on task. I did 2 years Zytiga and Lupron that failed, for now I am back on Zytiga. I take my meds in the afternoon.

michael00 profile image

I was told 2 hours after meal and 1 hour before for zytiga. I take it at 11pm then go to bed and sleep through any tiredness. I was taking prednisone 5mg wirh breakfast and 5mg with dinner. Have reduced to only 5mg at breakfast due to increase in glucose and BP. Those times work good for me

davebliz profile image

I'm on a clinical trial which includes Zytiga and Prednisone (been on for 8 months now). I was told to take both Zytiga and Prednisone in the morning. I was getting lower back pain at night approx. twice a week. About 2 months ago, I tried switching to taking my Prednisone at 8pm (with Dr approval). Now I only have the back pain in the afternoon (which is a lot more manageable). My night time sleep hasn't changed, I still get up to pee several times a night and usually have an "awake hour" sometime during the night.

Collarpurple profile image

Husband takes prednisone in morning after breakfast. Abriraterone At 10:00 every nightMorning are great. Afternoon down from a hour nap

golddiggingrandy profile image

I get my Lupron every 6 mths and my Extandi at 7 thirty at nte. Sleep ZZZ befor bed at 10. It helps, haven't really ask the doc if it's ok but, hey life is short

LifeQuality profile image

There were so many interesting replies to this post; they prompted me to throw in my 2 cents on a couple of the issues raised. First, I'm really happy with the "alternate regimen" for taking Zytiga, namely, only one 250 mg tab with a low-fat breakfast. It means I don't have to worry about timing of food/no food, etc. AND it's quite effective--my PSA dropped significantly at first blood test, only 2 weeks in. Second, for all the hot flash and sleep disruption complaints--after 3 1/2 yrs on Lupron and never being able to sleep more than 2 hrs, I recently had my first shot of DepoProvera and I'm a new person! Slept uninterrupted for 7 hrs last night! I highly recommend giving it a try if other remedies haven't worked for you.

MrTeebs profile image
MrTeebs in reply to LifeQuality

Thank you for that do you have back pain

LifeQuality profile image
LifeQuality in reply to MrTeebs

I have had lower back pain, and particularly piriformis problems, for quite some time--no connection to my cancer. But I must admit that just few days after beginning Zytiga+pred, my lower back pain became constant for long periods (day&night)

MrTeebs profile image
MrTeebs in reply to LifeQuality

Thank you

gamemaster34 profile image

I just completed 2 years of Zytiga and Prednisone. I took my meds in the morning and it seemed to work fine.

Poowater profile image

I'm 78, stage 4, taking Zytiga with 0.5 dexamethasone . I prefer to. take the two tablets in the morning, at 6am. Then go for a 6km run. I have no tiredness issues. I'm also on Zolladex. No issues. Exercise, aerobic, and resistance training are essential to prevent side effects.

MrTeebs profile image
MrTeebs in reply to Poowater

Great for you! So do you have back pain or any bone pain?

Poowater profile image
Poowater in reply to MrTeebs


KAgolf profile image

doc today recommended Zytiga which I don't think is necessary for my husband, but he said 4 pills a day! how can he do that on empty stomach? seems you all don't take that many/day....comments? also he is prescribing 10mg prednisone which seems high to me...your experiences please.

davebliz profile image
davebliz in reply to KAgolf

I’m taking exactly that. 4 pills Zytiga (1000 mg) and 10 mg prednisone.

KAgolf profile image
KAgolf in reply to davebliz


jedgar1 profile image
jedgar1 in reply to KAgolf

I weigh 135. I weighed 151 when I first started Zytiga and Lupron 2 year trial. I asked after loosing 10 lbs. in 2 monthes if I got the same 4 pills as someone who weighed 220? said yes. That is how the trial for Zytiga was done so that is what you take. I am back on Zytiga now. I had my Oncologist switch me from Prednisone to Dexamethasone 1 mg. Also helped with being tired a lot.

KAgolf profile image
KAgolf in reply to jedgar1

thanks--any particular reason for switching to Dexamethasone?

jedgar1 profile image
jedgar1 in reply to KAgolf

number one it would help with being tired a lot and number two the trial results that showed the dexamethasone may extend the useful life of the Zytiga

KAgolf profile image
KAgolf in reply to jedgar1

thank you--my husband has just started Zytiga and prednisone; I thought prednisone "hyped" you up.....hope all goes well for you

jedgar1 profile image

My Oncologist gave me adderall to fight the tireds. 10 mg a day. Works good but I have to watch weight loss.

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