Has anyone started having seizures while on erleada, had been on 3 pills instead standard 4because of side effects, was increased back to 4. Have been having periods of sudden shortness of breath, and brain freeze or shock Dr says he doesnt think its meds.
Side effects while on erleada - Advanced Prostate...
Side effects while on erleada

I cant talk for erleada but i have been on Xtandi for over 2 years . I had to drop the dose by 1/2. I was pretty much incapacitated by the side effects. No energy, leg and foot pain ect. The printed side effect of sizures has not happened but thinking was and still is messed up. I think. Erleada was not around when i went metistatic. I have found the docs always seem to downplay side effects of whatever they prescribe.
I’ve been taking Erleada for just over a year now and my side effects passed after a couple of months. My liver enzymes went through the roof and I had to stop for a couple of weeks. Then restarted at half dose (2 pills) for a couple of weeks to see if liver enzymes would stabilize. Once they did I went to 3 pills and finally back to 4. I read an article very early on that said the side effects were typically short but I guess short is a subjective measure. Now I only have hot flushes and night sweats along with what I would consider normal fatigue for being on ADT for over a year.
There are an awful lot of doctors who can't, or don't want to, imagine that a patient is having adverse effects of a treatment that HE prescribed. It must be something else.
Did he check your blood pressure, your liver enzymes, or do any other tests to find out what's going on? Did he look up the adverse effects in the FDA drug label (see: accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatf... )?
I suggest that you go back to 3 pills. If the symptoms disappear then that looks like pretty clear evidence that the 4 pill regimen was doing you in. If that doesn't help then you can try 2 pills or, at least, get some more tests to find out what's going on. If everything is good at 3 pills you might want to try 4 again but only after more time has passed to allow your body to adapt to the treatment at 3.
Best of luck.
Yes I have a complete blood work up each month and a eligard shot every 3.
I took myself off these tablets after experiencing side effects. I saw a lecture from an Israeli professor of Oncology / Urology, who suggested they were dangerous and could cause a stroke or heart problems. I have also read that Testosterone isn't the cause of our problems, but estrogen is. There is so much confusion on what is right and what is wrong. I am 70 years of age and was diagnosed with PCa last year. If Testosterone was the problem, why didn't I get this disease when I was in my 30s, instead of now when my Testosterone is in decline?
I have been on 4 pills of Erleada now for 6 weeks with no obvious issues. I am fatigued at night but I still work full time and that may be part of it as well. None of the other issues thankfully
Dad is 93. He’s been on Erleeda for 3 years. 4 tablets per day. No symptoms.
Ive been on erleada lupron for 4.5 yrs...am in titan trial.....siezures ARE A SIDE EFFECT of drug...in a small percentage read fda report...also falling...thedrug permeates the blood layer of the brain... ta could chime in on that...its wicked shit but its and the fn lupron have kept my aggresive apc at bay...psa just starting to creep....b.w
I've been on Erleada for about 10 months with no apparent side-effects. I'm 64 with aggressive PCa. Also on Lupron. PSA is undetectable. Bone scans show cancer in remission. Started dosage at 2 pills for about 4 months since I couldn't afford full dosage. New insurance and up to 4 pills daily since January. I think I'm as sharp as ever (my wife may disagree
Seizures are a known rare side effect of Erleada. When I refill at CVS I have to answer whether I’ve had any. Your doctor should know this!
Sizures/falling yep same as Xtandi. But im told negligible. And must be! Im in ok shape with reduced dose.