My husband was diagnosed April 2021 with cT3b cN0 cM1b. Extensive mets, skull, shoulder, ribs, spine, pelvis, hips, femurs. Started on ADT and docetaxel. Interim scans show near complete resolution of mets but activity in prostate. Will reevaluate after 6th chemo, but likely course is adding abiraterone or enzalutamide, and radiation to prostate.
We are both still working and live by our calendars. We can relocate to Rochester, MN and work remotely if necessary but it would be great to plan for possible scenarios.
How soon would radiation normally commence? What is the usual course of treatment? What specific clinical features would influence which type of radiation and course of therapy would be recommended?
We don’t know if we have to put all things from mid August and beyond on hold, or if it’s reasonable to think we could be vacationing by October.
Also, putting our house on the market and moving sometime during this, just to complicate things more. It seems like an ideal time to downsize and get to a first floor master situation.
I also assume radiation at Mayo would be better than at our small community hospital…is that accurate?