I know when Dr. Myers retired he referred his 900 or so patients to various docs around the country. Do you if any were sent to Dr. Mark Moyad in Michigan.?
Dr. Snuffy Myers referrals: I know when... - Advanced Prostate...
Dr. Snuffy Myers referrals
Dr. Mark Moyad Is nearly impossible to make an appointment with. He has an office at Michigan Medicine that seems to be a site unknown. My RO and MO at the U of M Rogel cancer center thinks that he is a ghost. And they know nearly everyone. If you can secure an appointment with him please inform me, I have been trying for 3 years to no avail.
You want an appointment with make a 6 figure contribution to his research.
Moyad is smart and all, but he is not an oncologist not a urologist.
His expertise is supplements and public health.
He's not the doc you go to for treatment of your prostate cancer.
I've read that some of his patients were referred to Prostate Oncology Specialists. prostateoncology.com/prosta...
anyone know who he recommended in sw florida (ft myers, cape coral, charlotte)
I have heard and read that Dr. Myers referred to Dr. Michael Dattoli in Sarasota.
My original treatment in 2000 was external radiation followed by seed implant. When i had recurrance in 2011 I called Dattoli and they told me they could do nothing for me since i could have not more radiation. Are they still only doing radiation?
Thanks. I am on Snuffy's protocol, but want to stay up with any new information.