Man boobs and 4 exercises to get rid ... - Advanced Prostate...

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Man boobs and 4 exercises to get rid of them

Bodysculpture profile image
45 Replies

I found my chest starting to point 8 weeks ago

I found and old programme that worked for many

Certainly worked for me

Dumbell lateral lie on a bench moderate weight hold the dumbells above your chest arms outstretched bring them down slowly to a full stretch outward

Life you were flying while lying on your back 10 to 12 reps 3 steps


Lie on your back moderate weight use a thumbs grip grab the dumbell by the shaft both hands

Bring it up in line with the cheat arms slightly bent

Lower the dumbell slowly behind your head leading with the elbow

Go light to avoid injury

Remember you ate not trying to lift heavy you are trying to stretch the chest by every angle


Again light to moderate

Lower the bar slowly untill the bar touches just below the nipple line

If you cant touch that's fine

Use a 4 to 2 cadence

4 seconds down the negative rep

2 seconds up positive and pause 10 to 12 reps 3 sets

Wall presses

Face a wall untill your face and body are touching

Arms outstretched like a crucifix palms on the wall using you hands arms and chest puch your body away from the wall

You should get 4 to 6 inches away that's fine

8 to 10 reps

3 sets

It feels great and we have proof even on ADT we can tighten that area and make it much less viable while getting strong lean and it also strengthen the surrounding joints ,spine and muscle

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Bodysculpture profile image
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45 Replies
TFBUNDY profile image

I'm more interested in increasing the size of girlie boobs....

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to TFBUNDY

Omg ....yayahahahaya 😂😂😂😂

TrashPanda72 profile image

I must, I must reduce my bust. 😂

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to TrashPanda72

Reduce fried food to the minimum These exercises work

Trust me

TrashPanda72 profile image
TrashPanda72 in reply to Bodysculpture

It did take a couple of weeks figure if out how to adjust diet. I eat 3 vegan meal replacements shakes a day (Huel), and then drastically cut down my calories at dinner. The hardest part is working out. Every ounce of energy goes towards work ... need to keep the job to pay bill and keep up insurance. I meet with a cancer rehab specialist tomorrow, and am trying to get short term Dissability through work.... 3 hours of work a day leaves me so exhausted I literally just stare at the wall... there is no QOL - which I need to work on...

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to TrashPanda72

You will find exercise contrary to what many think gives you energy And will improve your quality of life

What have you got to lose go for it

Come up with a plan and go for it

I guarantee you it will improve your life

Especialy if you are a gym member it has a social element

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to TrashPanda72

Perhaps you are not well suited to living on vegan replacement shakes and you are not being well fueled. Vegan is not suitable for every body. Omnivores need a broader variety and even meat from time to time. You might try experimenting with different approaches. Mediterranean? Some here will find this heresy but one size does not fit all. There is no one diet that has been shown to be be better or worse for PC progression. Cancer is selfish, it will take whatever nutrients it needs and your body gets what’s left. For example my body does best now on One-meal-a-day intermittent fasting and enjoying a BIG meal with meat, fish or other protein and lots of Fresh veggies and salads, low carbs. Even though I have had other times in life when vegetarian or vegan was fine. You should have no guilt over giving your body what it best thrives on.

TrashPanda72 profile image
TrashPanda72 in reply to MateoBeach

I actually used the shakes to step away from fast food and to eat healthier. Before the fatigue got to the point it is very hard to work, I was working 10+ hour days, and driving around 200+ miles a day. These shakes helped stop the drive through lunch habit.

My nightly meal is centered around chicken, pork, or leaner cuts of steak or ground sirloin.

I had an unhealthy relatively high fat / high cholesterol diets until about 5 years ago when I found Huel (my daughter was going vegan and was getting anemic - her doctor recommend that to supplement her food choices)

We have a weekly “holiday” at our house —- Steak Sunday. 😂

I grew up in the Midwest and was way too much of a meat and potatoes guy! Now living in the south, way too many fried foods were added in!

I also cook for my dad - I am slowly breaking him into Mediterranean cuisine.

I love getting everyone’s ideas and support! This group has helped in so many ways!

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to TrashPanda72

Sounds great To me! 👍🏼👍🏼💪💪🙏🏻

Boywonder56 profile image
Boywonder56 in reply to TrashPanda72

man you must work construction as i do and drive thru food is such a nemisis...i know they have salads but.....

TrashPanda72 profile image
TrashPanda72 in reply to Boywonder56

I actually am a photography manager for a school photography company. We cover the north half of Georgia. Cancer has stolen the stamina to actually photograph, but I still drive to schools, teach, trouble shoot, etc... but this damn cancer and the fatigue I can’t shake is slowly taking the career away from me that I love...

Boywonder56 profile image
Boywonder56 in reply to TrashPanda72

Sorry to hear....yes the fatigue and muscle ache...somedays i dont want to go but i do...these cats that have the energy to cycle and walk....after 6 hrs or so of busting done...

TrashPanda72 profile image
TrashPanda72 in reply to Boywonder56

My all out is about 3 hours.. then I shut down like a robot with a dead battery. My new Cancer Fatigue Specialist (Dr Ashish Khanna) is actually making up a complete physical rehab plan to try and push me through everything. Might be time to switch of work and switch on my self care!

Boywonder56 profile image
Boywonder56 in reply to TrashPanda72

I asked for some Ritalin but my primary care doc kind of Nix the idea

TrashPanda72 profile image
TrashPanda72 in reply to Boywonder56

Look up Dr Khanna. (He is currently at Winship Cancer Institute at Emory in Atlanta, but fatigue is his specialty) He has talked about that as a possibility. For me, since it set in so quickly, he wants physical first, then looking at chemicals. He has a good recording up at

We met yesterday. He saw I have bloodwork coming up next Tuesday, added test in to that, and then scheduled a zoom meeting for that afternoon. He said a lot of fatigue is related to inflammation. Says it can actually show up in brain activity scans on MRI. Take a listen. Even though he was talking to a group about breast cancer, some of what he was talking about sounded like he was describing me.

Boywonder56 profile image
Boywonder56 in reply to TrashPanda72

Here rub this cream ....on in old detective mag....

Kaliber profile image

Coming from a guy that looks as good as Jack LaLanne did at our age, you surely know what you are talking about. It’s advice that will work. Myself, I’ve had my man boobs a couple years now ... they kinda reach halfway down to my belly button. I just lift them up and fold them in half , TOT ( tits on top ) and tape them to my chest with stylish duct tape ( hint: be careful , removing duct tape , it pulls hair and skin when removed ) ... ( try unseeing that description yayahahahaya yayahahahaya) .

Exercise is out of the question for me now , my bp skyrockets with just minuscule exertion ( 210/115 and up ) and I can’t walk 30’ from ADT crippling....but if someone catches it early and doesn’t suffer the extreme disability ( in the 12% tanked adt group ) seems like exercise should go a long way to improve a PCa person’s QOL and keep those boobs manley.

Just say’in 🦋🌻🍄🌼🌸🌈🌈❤️❤️❤️

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Kaliber

Lolol Love ya Kaliber

reb77 profile image

If my boobs get just a little bigger, I am considering dating myself.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to reb77

Lol ❤️❤️

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Kaliber

Kaliber you are amazing at lifting ones spirit Laughter has it's own element of healing

The more you touch them and pinch them the more they grow

Hey and tell the misses no suckling on them either

It definately encourages growth

And a whole different dimension to spooning lol

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Bodysculpture

Thank you brother, we all need a little spirit lifting on this often gloomy group. Brothers falling left and right. I can lift spirits and down them too yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. Its over the teeth, thru the gums, lookout stomach here the xtandi comes yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. Woooooohooooo.

I try to get wifey to play but she’s not going down freaky street with me yayahahahaya. When they talk about “ change of life “ they use my wife’s picture there.

Hope you have a great week BIG guy .... you are the example all of us wish we could be. You worked hard to get there not to mention keeping yourself there. Pretty impressive.


MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Kaliber

The estrogen will make them grow. But you need prolactin to make them flow. ( now that will stick in your brain!)

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to MateoBeach

Yes estrogen plays a big role in it However we have discovered some variation to exercises to make a big difference

Moreso than any additional drug

It has many other osteo benefits

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to MateoBeach

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww ............ but then again hummmmm .... a little squirt doesn’t hurt .... yayahahahaya ya. Yikes

Naaaaaa still ....ewwwwwwwwwww 😂😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️

reb77 profile image

Well, I'm not. easy, but I can be had.

Kaliber profile image

my wifey caught me touching myself in the mirror in the bathroom. Outraged , she spanked me and made me sit in the corner. I liked it ..all of it .... yayahahahaya I’m a baaaad boy


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Kaliber

Dunno ....seems like this perfectly legit advice from a accomplished body builder has taken a left turn down Freaky Street. Yayahahahaya Bodymagnificent has a keen sense of humor tho.


Bodysculpture profile image

Lol That'll do it

Kaliber profile image

Omg yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.... and you’re not kidding either. Her nickname “ the hammer “ is well earned. Yayahahahaya she takes really good care of me. Well ........... got that thing on my forehead under control for now but 8 more of them popped up on my right forearm. At least I can cover my arm and people can’t see it yayahahahaya. Killed 7 of those with cryo treatments but one is lingering. I think long Covid isolation adds an extra layer that just amplifies being PCa miserable .... by mid April both of us will be fully vaccinated and be able to get out again safely ....boy I really need to get out. Feels like really valuable QOL time is wasting if you know what I mean . Tick tock. Yayahahahaya.

Thanks for asking about me brother , I still got lots of fight left in me for sure. I got my rugged handsome irresistible good looks back now too.


CountryJoe profile image

Thanks for reaching out with this info, Bodysculpter. I will work these exercises into my routine. I do a lot of work with weights and a bench, but have a hard time firming up my chest.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to CountryJoe

Also do loads of inclines the majority of pexmc mass is in the upper region Developed this more and it fills the chest out you will find when you look down in a matter of time you wont see them

And they are less viable

Flat chests show it more

CountryJoe profile image
CountryJoe in reply to Bodysculpture

Thanks Bodysculpter. I've been an athlete all my life in sports that work the body hard, pushing it always beyond the pain barier (wrestling, rowing, ice hockey, etc). But now at 75 with ADT, I just don't get the same response from a hard workout and the muscle mass (whats left of it) is soft and flabby. I have the kind of body that would make people say, "you look like you usted to work out" 😊.

fmenninger profile image
fmenninger in reply to Bodysculpture

Thanks for info as I will work this into my routine.

Rockybullwinkle profile image

For many reasons weight training is not feasible for me. Back in the late 60's I used an apparatus device called The Bullworker which was a combination isometric/isotonic device. Surprisingly, it is still around. I recently purchased the Steel Bow model and have been using it since December for my chest and arms. I think it is helping. Here is the video I use to work out.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Rockybullwinkle

Yes my dad had a bull worker The bow is quite good and provides a great stretch

Stay with it

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Rockybullwinkle

It wint play an error occurred it said

Rockybullwinkle profile image
Rockybullwinkle in reply to Rockybullwinkle

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Rockybullwinkle

That's the one

JPnSD profile image

any links for illustration?

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to JPnSD

You can find all these lifts on U Tube The variations I mentioned are important

Like the wide grip bench press

The wall press you wont find anywhere I discovered it playing around but the activation was amazing

JPnSD profile image
JPnSD in reply to Bodysculpture

Thanks, will search 24 he fitness.

j-o-h-n profile image

With great man boobs comes great responsiboobitties.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 03/16/2021 10:49 PM DST

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to j-o-h-n

John you nut lol

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to j-o-h-n

Omg ....yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. “ bamm “ .....yayahahahaya.

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