My father experiences muscle atrophy. His whole life he was skinny (he can eat whatever he liks but never gains weight), but had muscles. Now that summer is coming and he is wearing short sleaves, I noticed his arms and chest became very weak.
He was diagnosed in September 2016 after TURP procedure. PSA 5.2, Gleason 4+3 = 7, cancer in 10% of tissue, stage T1b. He is on Casodex 50mg only (only first e to 4 months Casodex 150mg), but had quite some side effects (fatigue, sensitvity to sun, changes in blood pressure etc). His current PSA is 0.6 but doctors do not seem worried. Next appointment is in November.
I don't know if his muscle atrophy can be caused by this relatively low dose casodex monotheraphy. He eats normally (so a lot), but is much less active. He is 76 years old.
Have you experienced muscle atrophy and how do you fight it?